Page 11 of Blink

The only option left was being pregnant.

My heart raced in my chest. Closing my eyes, I drew in a deep breath, trying to keep the nausea at bay. It was a real possibility. It wasn’t like Blink and I had used a condom the first time we had sex, though we’d used them since then. And I knew that one time was all it took to get knocked up.

Fucking hell, my life was very well about to flip upside down. But I needed to slip out of the clubhouse and get to a store without Blink catching me first. Because if he did catch me, he would either one, send me right back to bed, or two, demand to take me to the store himself. And this was something I needed to deal with on my own for the time being.

I slipped off the bed and shoved my feet back into my sneakers before grabbing my wallet off the nightstand. When I got downstairs, it was weirdly quiet, and a glance outside showed all the bikes were gone except one.

“Blink, Carver, and Carter went to go deal with something,” Grit spoke up from behind me. Squeaking in alarm, I spun around to face him. He put his hands up. “Sorry, girly. Didn’t mean to frighten you.”

I placed my hand over my racing heart. “I need to run to the store,” I told him. “If Blink comes back before I get back, can you let him know where I went?”

Grit sighed. “He really doesn’t want you out and about without him. You know that.”

“I know, but I need to get some meds,” I lied. “I feel like shit.” At least, that wasn’t a lie. “I’ll go there and come right back. I promise.”

Grit grunted but nodded his head. “Go. And for the love of all that is fucking holy, be safe.”

I smiled. Grit was a grumpy asshole, but when he cared about someone, it showed. “I will. Promise.” Then, I slipped out of the clubhouse doors and rushed to my car. I just needed to make it back before Blink got home, and then all would be okay.

I stared down at the positive pregnancy test in my hand. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I’d known it was a possibility, but shit, having it confirmed…

I wasn’t prepared. Not in the slightest. Blink and I barely knew each other, and on top of all of that, he was dealing with a huge club issue. This wasn’t the time to be getting pregnant and bringing a baby into the world. I mean, fuck, Blink had gottenshot! He shouldn’t even be driving his bike, but that was an argument I’d lost three days after the shooting incident.

Was Blink even prepared to be a father? Because I didn’t think he was. He still struggled with having Eric around. But there was no turning back from this.

I was pregnant.

I shoved the test into my bag and then washed my hands. After splashing some cool water on my face, I left the bathroom and headed out to my car on autopilot. I had no idea what the hell I was going to do. Eventually, I would have to tell Blink. I couldn’t keep this from him. But would this be what made him toss me aside? Would a baby be too much for him to want to deal with?

I’d gotten so attached to him. But the universe was determined to make sure I was forever alone. It wasn’t fucking fair. What the fuck had I done to deserve this hell?

Hot tears streaked down my cheeks as I maneuvered the car out of town to head back to the clubhouse. A sob ripped from my throat. I tightened my fingers around the steering wheel until my knuckles were white.

Something slammed into the back of my car, and I screamed. My head jerked forward, and my forehead slammed against the steering wheel. The car spun out of control. My vision went fuzzy around the edges and flipped upside down, and the last thing I was aware of was the sound of shattering glass and crunching metal.



Grit was storming out of the clubhouse when we rode onto the lot. I frowned and quickly came to a stop, turning my bike off. “What?” I demanded. Something had happened. Grit got worked up easily, but one look at his face told me something had actually seriously gone wrong this time.

He was pissed—no other way to put it. His jaw was clenched, and his hands were twitching at his sides.

“Your girl is what,” he growled at me. I clenched my jaw. The fuck did he mean—my girl was the problem? “She swore she’d go straight to the store for medicine and come back, and it’s been two goddamn hours, Blink.”

I tightened my hands around the handles of my bike to resist jumping off and beating the shit out of him. “Why thefuckdid you let her go by herself?” I snarled at him. “Anything could have fucking happened to her, Grit!”

“I had to be here, remember?!” he barked at me. “I can’t hold her hand all goddamn day, Blink. That’syourjob.”

I sneered at him, my heart in my throat all while rage thrummed through my veins. I wanted to fuck Grit up so badly for letting her leave, but Lindsey could be in trouble. She needed my attention more than Grit and his carelessness did.

“This’ll hold until I fucking get back, you hear me?” I turned my bike back on, drowning out whatever he’d been about to say next. Then, I peeled around and spun off the lot, heading toward town. If she’d promised she would come right back, then she would’ve kept that promise. Which meant shehadto be somewhere on this route.

I gunned my engine, letting the wind tear through my hair. Clouds were rolling in from the west, threatening rain and storms. Just what I fucking needed when my woman was missing.

I had to find her before the bad weather hit. Ihadto.

The sight of her rust bucket of a car crumpled against a tree on the side of the road had my heart dropping to my stomach. I quickly came to a stop and jumped off my bike. The machine fell to the side as I rushed down the hill to her just as she pushed open her battered car door. It fell off, smacking to the ground.