Page 92 of State of Bliss

“Thanks, Terry. That’s good to go.”

“We’ll have it ready for you in ten minutes, sir. Trevor and his team have set up a room for you down the hall.”

After he left, Sam turned to Nick. “Do you need to change your clothes?”

“Going to do that now.”

“Do you have a suit with you?”

“I think Hank packed a couple,” he said of his personal valet. He still couldn’t believe he had a personal valet, but Hank was great in making sure he had what he needed no matter where he was. “He said we needed to be ready for anything, even when we’re away.”

“I suppose this evening is proof of that,” she said as he changed.

“And I was hoping it would be so relaxing.”

“I suppose we ought to forgo any thoughts of relaxation for the next three or so years. Possibly seven…”


“Don’t rule anything out.”


Sam laughed. “We’ll see.”

Terry returned to the room. “Mr. President, Mrs. Cappuano, we’re ready for you.”

Chapter Sixteen

Sam found it jarring when Terry, one of their closest friends, was so formal with them, even if she knew he was simply doing his job.

She took the hand that Nick extended and followed him down the hall to a bedroom that had been cleared of all furniture other than a podium with the presidential seal affixed to it and American flags positioned on either side of it. A TV camera had been set in front of the podium, and electrical wires snaked through the room. They stepped carefully over the wires on their way to the podium.

Nick was outfitted with a microphone that was clipped to his lapel by a young technician dressed all in black. From the way he approached Nick with the microphone and helped him get it situated, it was obvious they’d done this dance before.

“This is amazing,” Sam whispered to Nick after the tech had stepped away. “It’s like we’re at the White House.”

“I suppose that’s the idea.”

Sam couldn’t imagine what went into making sure these things were available if needed while Nick was on vacation. She was glad it wasn’t her responsibility to manage those logistics.

Nick stepped behind the podium and read over the statement one more time before giving Terry a subtle nod to say he was ready.

“We need the first lady to step closer to the president,” the cameraman said.

Since there was nowhere she’d rather be than close to the president, she moved in next to him and placed her hand on his back, hoping he would take comfort from her nearness.

“That’s great. Thank you, ma’am.”

She did what she could for the people, a thought that kept her entertained ahead of the grim reality of what Nick had to say—once again—to the American public.

A light came on over the camera, and Nick was given the sign to begin.

“My fellow Americans, at eight thirty p.m. eastern time, a gunman opened fire at a gathering of soldiers at Fort Liberty in North Carolina, killing three and injuring more than seventy-five, two with life-threatening injuries. The perpetrator of this tragic event was Corporal Tyson Briggs, a five-year Army veteran who’d argued with other members of his squadron earlier in the day before being asked by his supervisor to leave and cool off. The next time anyone saw him was in an auditorium full of soldiers gathered for a comedy show. He used his Army-issued M-16 to inflict maximum carnage on his fellow service members before being shot and killed by military police.

“My administration stands ready to aid the Fort Liberty community during this difficult time in any way needed. I’ve directed Secretary of Defense Tobias Jennings and acting Army Chief of Staff General Roger Kaull to work with Fort Liberty’s commanding officer, General Hilary Stern, to make the full resources of the federal government available for the affected service members and their families. In addition, General Stern has ordered the post chaplains to assist anyone who requires counseling. We will stand by our men and women in uniform always, but especially after such a tragedy.

“Earlier today, an email was issued by Secretary Jennings to all service members in the wake of the situation with the former Joint Chiefs of Staff. Service members were offered the opportunity to separate from the military with a dishonorable discharge if they feel unable to serve under my command. From what we’ve been told by his colleagues, Corporal Briggs was furious about the discharge being dishonorable and was asked to leave his workplace to get himself together. Needless to say, I’m shattered to have been in any way connected to Corporal Briggs’s despicable actions.