Page 85 of State of Bliss

He reached out a hand to her. “Bring that over here.”

She took his hand and let him draw her down next to him on the soft rug in front of the fire. “I’m here, Mr. President. Now what?”

“Let me take a good look at this goddess who’s appeared before me.”

“You mean me?” she asked, batting her eyes at him.

Smiling, he drew her closer. “No one else can dazzle me the way you do.” He kissed her neck and made her shiver. “But I would like to know how my first lady goes about acquiring such a scandalous garment without setting off an international incident in the White House mailroom.”

“I had it sent to Tracy.”

“Ah, good call.”

“I thought you had enough problems to deal with without a mailroom scandal.”

“You thought right, and let me just say that you chose a winner from wherever you got this sexy thing.”

He ran his hand down her side, over skin and silk. “I look at you sometimes and wonder how in the world I got lucky enough to find you twice.”

“I do the same thing. I used to dream about you after the first night we spent together. Whenever things were horrible with Stahl and Peter and then my dad’s awful injury, I would close my eyes and go visit you. You always made me feel better.”

“Same, babe. I’d think of you and that one perfect night and wonder where you were and what you were doing and why you never called me back.”

“Ugh. It still makes me so mad. I should’ve killed Peter myself.”

“Nah, you look washed out in orange.”

Sam laughed. “I never get tired of thinking about the first night we met, and even though the second time wasn’t under the best of circumstances, the first instant I saw you in John’s apartment, I knew that six years hadn’t changed anything.”

“You’ve never told me that.”

“I have, too.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Well, now you know.”

He nuzzled her neck again. “You made me work awfully hard for it, if that’s the case.”

“Because I was afraid of blowing up my career by sleeping with a witness right after a kid died on my watch.”

“Semantics from my Samantha.”

Sam moved so she was straddling his lap.

With his hands on her ass, he pulled her in tight against him.

“I want to tell you something else I’ve never confessed before.”

“What’s that?”

She could barely think with his lips skimming over her neck, which he knew was her kryptonite. “If it had come down to a choice—you or the career—I would’ve chosen you.”

He pulled back so he could see her face. “No way.”

“Yes way. I would’ve found something else to do. I already knew there was no one else like you. I wouldn’t have let you go again. No way.” She kissed his neck this time, adding some teeth that made him groan. “What we have now, the family we’ve created together, would’ve been worth any sacrifice.”

“I’m glad it didn’t come to that.”