Page 80 of State of Bliss

Nick spiked a bite with his fork and fed it to Sam.

“So, so good.”

Next was a Caesar salad made tableside, followed by scrumptious filet mignon, grilled shrimp, scalloped potatoes and a delicious vegetable dish made with zucchini, squash, broccoli and snow peas.

The wine kept coming, too, until Sam had to cover her glass to keep them from giving her more. “I’m drunk on food and wine.”

“And love,” Nick said. “Don’t forget that.”

“Mostly love.” Sam looked up at Andrea. “This was an exceptional meal. Thank you so much.”

“It was our pleasure. Dessert will be out in a few minutes. Would you like some coffee?”

“I will,” Nick said.

“Decaf for me,” Sam added.

“Coming right up.”

They lingered over a chocolate soufflé and coffee.

“I’m so full, I’m apt to burst,” Sam said after they’d eaten most of the rich dessert.

“We can’t have that.” He signaled for the check.

Jim came over to the table. “It’s our pleasure to have you, Mr. President, Mrs. Cappuano. Dinner is with our compliments.”

“Absolutely not, Jim,” Nick said. “We insist on paying for your amazing food and service.”

They could see the man was debating what to do.

“Please.” Nick handed him a credit card. “We insist.”

Jim took the card. “As you wish, sir. I’ll be right back.”

Nick reached across the table for Sam’s hand. “My wife looks particularly beautiful in the candlelight.”

“I was thinking the same thing about my husband.”

Jim returned with a black leather folder that he handed to Nick. “It’s been an honor to have you visit us. We hope you’ll come back again.”

“We definitely will,” Nick said.

As he added a big tip, signed the receipt and returned the credit card to his wallet, he felt “normal” for the first time in months. For a few hours, he was just a guy taking his best girl out for a fancy dinner on their anniversary.

Before leaving their private room, they posed for photos with Jim, Andrea, their chef and the entire staff. They shook hands with everyone and signed a few autographs.

“We’ll treasure this evening for the rest of our lives,” Andrea said as she hugged them both.

“As will we,” Sam said. “Thank you again.”

Chapter Fourteen

Brant waited for them outside the private room, along with several of the agents who made up their details. “We’ve attracted a bit of a crowd out front.” Brant sounded stressed. “We’re going to take you out through the back door.”

“I don’t think we should do that,” Nick said. “People want a glimpse of the first couple. We can at least give them a wave.”

“It’s a lot of people, sir.”