Page 78 of State of Bliss

“I hear you, and that’s for sure.”

“We just have to keep showing up and doing the job for as long as it makes sense to us. We’re good at what we do. We make a difference. We should never question that.”

“It helps to be reminded. Thank you.”

“Any time, my grasshopper. Go have a nice evening with your wife and forget about it all until tomorrow.”

“Will do. How’s the vacation?”

“Excellent. We’re going to attempt a dinner outing tonight. Watch for us on the eleven o’clock news.”

Freddie laughed. “Will do. May the Force be with you.”

“And also with you. Talk to you soon.”

“Yes, you will. Later.”

“Is your grasshopper upset?” Nick asked as he put on a sweater to go with well-faded jeans that did wondrous things for his ass. “Sam?”

“Huh? I was thinking about how hot you are in those jeans.”

“Shut up about that and answer the question.”

She laughed the way she always did when he bristled over her commentary about his hotness, which was, in fact, sizzling. “He’s very upset. They uncovered a burial ground in Stahl’s backyard and are bringing in a special forensics team to work the site.”


“That about sums things up.”

“I’m sorry, Sam. I know how awful this is for you guys.”

“It’s devastating. Even though we knew he was a creep, we never thought he was capable of the things he’s done.” She exhaled a long deep breath. “It’ll be a nightmare when this goes public.”

“You don’t have to think about that right now.”

“No, I don’t. Let’s get this party started.”

“Only if you feel up to it.”

“I wouldn’t miss date night with you for anything. Let’s go.”

Nick kissed her cheek. “I’ll let Brant know we’re ready.”

Nick watchedher try to rally for their date, but he could tell by the furrow in her brow that she was deeply troubled. And with good reason. Even from prison, that son of a bitch Stahl continued to be a cancer within a department of hardworking, dedicated officers.

People like Sam and Freddie, who put their whole hearts and souls into the job, would take this latest blow harder than most.

Nick had chosen a local steakhouse that had decent online ratings. The Secret Service had been there the day before to secure a private room for the first couple. In exchange for the restaurant staff keeping the visit quiet, Sam and Nick would pose for a photo with them. He could only hope they’d abided by the agreement.

He was heartened to find no gaggle of reporters gathered outside on the way in. No doubt, they’d be there on the way out, as quite a few White House reporters had traveled to Dewey to cover their week away. Nick would never get used to everything he did being a news story, but it went with the office. People were interested in their president and his family. Even a casual night out with his wife was news.

In a few years, he would have fulfilled his duty and could return to semiprivate life. Nothing would ever be like it had been before he was president, but the intense scrutiny would recede. He couldn’t wait for that.

He followed Sam out of the SUV and placed a hand on her lower back as they made their way inside.

The restaurant owners, Jim and Andrea, waited to greet them with excitement that could only be described as giddy.

“It’s such an honor to welcome you to our humble establishment,” Jim said. “We’ve got a special spot all set up for you. Follow me right this way.”