Page 49 of State of Bliss

Sam’s stomach ached when she thought of what those answers might be. With her appointments made, she called Vernon, who was part of the detail sent with them to Dewey.

“Good morning, ma’am.”


“I’m with other agents.”

“Ah, I see. I’ll let it slide this time, then.”

She appreciated his low chuckle and the fun groove they’d found with each other.

“What can I do for you?”

“I have to make a work trip to Newark and Wilmington tomorrow. Two hours each way.”

“What time would you like to leave?”

“Around eleven thirty? That gives us some extra time for traffic. My first appointment is at two.”

“We’ll get you there in time. I assume just you and not the president as well?”

“Right. Just me.”

“Very well. We’ll have the car ready to depart at eleven thirty.”

“Thanks, Vernon.”

“You’re most welcome.”

Sam slapped her phone closed and stood to stretch. She walked to the windows at the back of the house to look out at the beach.

That’s where Nick found her when he came in from the briefing next door.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. “Are you stressed?”

“A little.”

“Not exactly the peaceful break we’d hoped for, is it?”

“Nope, but I suppose we were delusional to hope it might be. What’s the news from La Casa Blanca?”

“Nothing good. Apparently, General Wilson is teaming up with former Secretary of State Ruskin to make the rounds on any shows that’ll have them to spew about my lack of fitness for the presidency.”

“Oh, Nick. Honestly. I can’t believe the networks give them the airtime.”

“Why wouldn’t they? Controversy sparks ratings.”

“I’m sorry you have to deal with that on top of everything else.”

“Goes with the territory, or so I’m told. My team is on it.”

“What can they do about it?”

“They can remind people that both of the people spouting off about me left office under less-than-honorable circumstances, which no one can say about me.”

“That’s true, and a very good point to hammer home as often as possible.”

“That’s the plan, but enough about that crap. What’ve you been up to?”