Page 34 of State of Bliss

Gigi took hold of Cameron’s hand. “Let me.”

She told Andy about Jaycee’s multiple attempts to undermine Cameron’s new relationship with Gigi, culminating with the attack in Gigi’s home, the details of Jaycee putting her fingers inside Gigi, saying she wanted to know what Cameron saw in her. Then, when the incident escalated and Gigi realized that Jaycee intended to kill her, how Gigi had used her service weapon to kill Jaycee. Cam was filled with revulsion over what Jaycee had done and awe for Gigi’s cool, unemotional recitation of events that had left her shattered.

Cameron picked up the story with how Mrs. Patrick had taken their colleague, Deputy Chief Jeannie McBride, hostage in her home and was killed by Fairfax County SWAT. “The Patrick family is asserting that their deaths were my fault and Gigi’s, which is ludicrous.”

“Certainly sounds that way. I assume you have these incidents fully documented?”

“We do,” Gigi said. “We can get you copies of the official reports of everything with Jaycee and her mother. I should add I’m currently on paid leave until an Internal Affairs hearing this week.”

“Have you secured representation for the hearing?” Andy asked.

“Not yet. I was planning to fly solo, actually.”

“I wouldn’t,” Andy said. “These things can go south quickly. I’d be happy to represent you there and to help try to make this lawsuit go away. I can offer you the friends-and-family rate since Sam recommended me.”

“Thank you so much, Andy,” Cameron said. “It’s a huge relief to have someone of your caliber helping us.”

“I’ll do everything I can for you.”

“We’d be so thankful for that,” Gigi said.

“Send me a scan of the lawsuit, the reports you mentioned, along with contact info for both of you, and I’ll be back in touch in a day or two.” He recited his email address, which Gigi wrote down. “Also, give me the information about when and where your IAB hearing is.”

After they said profuse thank-yous and ended the call, Cameron said, “Well, that’s a huge fucking relief, huh?”

“Sure is. As is the friends-and-family rate.”

“Thank goodness for friends in high places.”

Gigi held up her wineglass in a mock toast. “No kidding.” She put down her glass and held his hand between both of hers. “Can we put this madness aside for now and enjoy the weekend?”

“We can sure as hell try.”

Lindsey gesturedfor Gonzo and Freddie to follow her to the conference room, where she placed several printouts on the table. “I was leaning toward natural causes, even though she’s young and her friends said she was in good health. Believe it or not, sudden, unexplainable death happens at all ages, even with people who appear to be in perfectly good health.”

Gonzo wanted to tell her to get on with it, but he’d never say that out loud. Lindsey was the best of the best, and she’d get to the point. Eventually.

“I had to think like a killer to figure out what happened.” She pointed to a photo that had been zoomed in. “Do you see this faint bruise on her neck?”

They leaned in for a closer look.

“What about it?” Gonzo asked.

“I believe someone pressed on her neck hard enough to restrict her carotid artery, which would lead to brain death after a sudden decrease in cerebral blood flow. I put her time of death around ten o’clock last night.”

“So whoever restricted the carotid artery knew what they were doing,” Gonzo said. “We need to ask Tori what her major is at college.”

“I checked her social media, and it’s nursing,” Freddie said.

“Very interesting,” Gonzo said. “Anything else of note, Lindsey?”

“One thing… There was a print on the bruise, but nowhere else on her body. The print isn’t in CODIS or IAFIS.”

“Thanks for another great job, Doc.”

“You got it,” Lindsey said. “I’ll send my full report to your email.”

After she left the conference room, Freddie said, “I just got Tori’s financials, and they’re also very interesting. There’s more than fifty thousand dollars in her checking account, even after she wrote a check for ten thousand dollars that cleared a week ago.”