Page 156 of State of Bliss

When she was satisfied that everything was in order, she went to stand at the huge windows that overlooked the beach and the ocean in the distance. The weather would be ideal for the weekend, with temperatures in the seventies for the first time that year. She’d texted with her Angela earlier and was looking forward to giving her, Jack and Ella a change of scenery. They hadn’t been anywhere since that terrible weekend at Camp David during which Spencer had died in his sleep after taking illegally acquired pain pills poisoned with fentanyl.

Sam shuddered, recalling Angela’s panic as she’d come into their cabin to say that Spencer wouldn’t wake up. The nightmare day that’d followed, as they’d learned Spencer wouldn’t recover, was one none of them would ever forget.

Sam wondered if or when they’d ever go back to Camp David. At some point, she needed to discuss that with Nick, because he’d loved it there before disaster struck. Maybe they could eventually return to the presidential retreat and try to make new memories there.

Her phone rang with a call from Avery Hill. “Hey, how’s it going?”

“I thought you’d want to know that Shelby is in labor.”

The news struck a note of panic in Sam. “Already? Isn’t it too soon?”

“They said any time after thirty-six weeks is safe, and that’s right where she is.”

“Oh wow. Tell her we love her, and we can’t wait to meet your little one.”

“Me, too. It’s all so… overwhelming. And I feel somewhat useless.”

“Just hold her hand and keep telling her she’s amazing. That’s what she needs right now.”

“I can do that.”

“Call me later?”

“I will.”

“Love you guys.”

“You, too.”

As Sam closed her phone, Nick came through the front door. “Shelby’s in labor.”

“Is that okay?” he asked.

“Avery said they said any time after thirty-six weeks is good to go, and she’s right there.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” he said before his expression changed. “Fuck. The state dinner.”

“Oh jeez. Well, knowing Shelby, everything is set to go in a binder full of pink tabs and sticky notes.”

“I’d better let Terry know.”

“I’ll hit up Lilia. Between the two of them, it’ll be fine.”

He gave her a kiss. “I hope so.”

While he called Terry, she reached out to Lilia, her White House chief of staff.

“Hi there. How’s the beach?”

“Gorgeous, but the vacation has been a bit more stressful than we expected.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“Did you hear Shelby is in labor?”

“I did. She was in her office when her water broke.”

“Oh wow. Nick hates to think about work at a time like this, but he’s concerned about the state dinner on Tuesday.”