He took a bite of crispy bacon. “Took care of what, Samantha?”
“Don’t make me tell you. It’s our last day alone, and I don’t want to spoil it.”
“If you don’t tell me, I’ll worry about what you’re keeping from me.”
“Ugh, I hate this!”
“I’m okay, love. Just tell me what’s going on, and we’ll deal with it the way we always do—together.”
“Your mother wants to talk to you.”
He froze midbite, his warm expression going blank. “Oh. About what?”
“Who cares what she wants to talk to you about? There’s no doubt she’s trying to use her connection to you to weasel her way out of this mess she’s in. I want her nowhere near you.”
“She has to know I can’t do a thing to help her without making a mess for myself.”
“I’ll talk to her,” Sam said. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Samantha… You shouldn’t talk to her any more than I should.”
“Let me find out what she wants, and we’ll go from there. If she’s asking for help with her legal problems, I’ll shut that right down.”
“You don’t have to do this.”
“Yes, I do. If she’s slithering out from under her rock and coming for you, she’ll have to go through me.”
“I’m ridiculously turned on right now.”
“Shut up.”
“No, really. Look.”
Sam glanced over to find him fully erect and lost it. When she came out of the laughing fit, he’d removed the breakfast tray and snuggled up to her.
“I fail to see why this is so funny.”
That set her off all over again.
When she was otherwise occupied, he nudged the sheet aside and gently bit her nipple.
That startled the laughter right out of her. “Dirty trick, love,” she said as she buried her fingers in his hair.
“Do I have your attention?”
“You do.”
“Excellent.” He moved closer and tended to both breasts before moving down to make sure she was fully on board with what he had in mind.
She was.
While he kissed his way back up the front of her, she held out her arms to him as he pushed into her. “Nothing is better than this.”
“Nothing, and I still don’t know how you do that.”
He nuzzled her neck and made her shiver. “Do what?”