Page 130 of State of Bliss

“Why did you end it?”

“Because I felt it had run its course.”

“Was it also because you wanted to date Detective Dominguez?”

“My feelings for Detective Dominguez had nothing to do with my decision with Jaycee. I had known for quite some time that I wasn’t happy with Jaycee and had waited for the right time to tell her it was over for me.”

“And how did she react when you told her it was over?”

“Badly. She got very upset and screamed at me about promises I’d made to her that she would make me keep. I had never seen her behave the way she did that day. Her last words to me were, ‘This is not over. This will never be over.’”

“Did you report her threats to anyone?”

“I didn’t because I thought she was venting because she was upset. I never expected her to slash my tires, throw a brick through my window or attack my new girlfriend. In all the time I spent with Jaycee, I never saw any sign of that side of her. It was shocking, to say the least.”

“Is it true that you’d asked Jaycee Patrick to marry you?”

“That’s absolutely false. We never discussed marriage.”

“According to her sister, Tanya, Jaycee had told her family you were engaged and even had a ring that she said you gave her.”

“Not only did I never buy a ring for her, I never considered marrying her. As much as I enjoyed spending time with her, I didn’t love her.”

“Did you tell her that?”

“Only after she forced me to tell her the real reason I was ending things with her.”

“Her sister told me Jaycee had a wedding venue booked.”

“I found that out after I broke up with her. She never discussed that with me.”

“It must’ve come as a shock to you to hear that,” Jeannie said.

“To say the very least. That was when I first realized that something might be wrong with her in a medical or mental health sense.”

“Did you alert anyone to your concerns?” Offenbach asked.

“No, I didn’t.”

“I’ll bet you wish now that you had.”

“That’s enough, Officer Offenbach,” Jeannie said. “The panel is directed to disregard that comment.”

“If I may…” Cameron knew he ought to let it go, but how could he with so much riding on the outcome of this hearing? “I told her sister shortly after we split that I didn’t propose to her or agree to a wedding venue or ever talk about marriage with her. I didn’t specifically indicate a potential mental health concern, but I rather hoped her sister might realize something was wrong after I told her the truth. I felt like I’d done what I could to put them on notice of a possible problem. Her family was also aware of her actions after she slashed my tires and threw a brick through my window.”

Jeannie glanced at Andrews and Offenbach. “Are there any further questions?”

The two officers shook their heads.

“Thank you, Detective Green,” Jeannie said. “We appreciate your input.”

“Of course, and if I may add… Detective Dominguez is an outstanding, dedicated detective with an incredible future ahead of her in this department.”

Andy put a hand on his arm to stop him from saying anything else, which was just as well, because his voice was already wavering with emotion.

“That’s all I wanted to say.”

He got up and left the room with Andy.