Page 126 of State of Bliss

“Sexiest police officer in the history of sexy police officers.”

“If you say so.”

“I say so, and I’ve seen a lot of police officers. You’ve got them all beat.”

“Thank you for the confidence boost.”

He hugged her from behind. “You don’t need me to boost your confidence. You’re fine all on your own. You’ll go in there today and knock their socks off with your poise and your certainty that you did everything you could to avoid having to use deadly force. If you focus on what you know to be true, you’ll get through this.”

Gigi leaned into his embrace, soaking up the love in every word he said to her. “You know what the best news is?”

“What’s that?”

“No matter how this goes today, I get to come home to you and this and us.”

“As much as I love what we have, I don’t want to hear anything other than everything is fine, and you’re cleared to go back to work.”

She was fully aware that their relationship was riding on this hearing as much as her career was. Cameron would never be able to live with himself if she lost her career because of his ex-girlfriend.

Gigi turned to face him, placing her hands on his chest. “I was reading the report Gonzo sent on the Fortier case. It’s very similar to what happened with Jaycee. Gordon Reilly told Tori Stevens he wanted to see other people in college, but she couldn’t accept that. Gonzo is making a murder-for-hire case against Tori and the guy who did the killing. Just like you, Gordon had the right to tell Tori that he wanted something different. It was her choice to refuse to accept that. Now Rachel Fortier is dead, and Tori will spend most of her life in prison. What a waste it all is.”

“It’s funny that I’ve been working on that case and didn’t make the connection to the similarities in our situation. But you’re right.”

“You did nothing wrong, and neither did Gordon Reilly or me with Ezra.” Her longtime boyfriend had left her gravely injured after she’d told him she wanted to end their relationship. “We’re all allowed to say when something isn’t working for us. We’re allowed to change our minds, to fall out of love, to take a different path.”

“You’re so fucking strong,” Cameron whispered as he kissed her. “I love you, and I’m so, so proud of you.”

“That means everything to me. I’ve got to go.”

“I wish I could be there.”

“I know, but it’s better if you aren’t. I need to stay focused, and you’re a terrible, wonderful distraction.”

His grin didn’t quite reach his eyes the way it had before Jaycee attacked her, but she hoped it would again before too much longer. “Text me the second you get out of there.”

“I will.”

He picked up her hat and followed her out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

They took their own cars to HQ and walked in together.

Outside the morgue, Cam stopped her with a hand to her arm. “Love you,” he whispered.

“Love you, too. Try not to worry.”

He rolled his eyes. “Sure, no problem.”

“I’ve got this.”

“Don’t let Offenbach throw you off your game. He blames Sam for his problems, but he knows it was his own fault that he got in trouble at home and at work.”

“I can handle him.” She stole a quick kiss. “Go to work.”

He walked away, but he glanced over his shoulder twice before he disappeared around a corner.

“It’s hard for him,” Lindsey McNamara said.

Gigi hadn’t seen her there. “It’s excruciating. He blames himself.”