Page 108 of State of Bliss

Gonzo turned to find a man with his hair combed back from a face that most people would find handsome, wearing what had to be a five-thousand-dollar suit. Not that Gonzo knew much about custom suits, but even his untrained eye could spot high quality.

“Miles Kerr.” He extended a hand to each of them. “Where can I find Sergeant Gonzales?”

“That’d be me.”

“Excellent. How soon can I meet with my client?”

“We’ll bring her upstairs shortly.”

“Wonderful. Now if you could tell me why she’s here, I’d appreciate that. Her mother was understandably distraught, so it was hard to get the full gist of what’s taken place.”

“She’s being held pending counsel for arraignment on assaulting a police officer because she kicked one of our officers.”

“Hmm, okay. What else?”

“We’re looking at her for involvement in the death of Rachel Fortier, who’d been dating Gordon Reilly.”

“What does that have to do with my client?”

Gonzo wanted to roll his eyes over how unprepared the guy was, but he resisted the urge. “Tori dated Gordon for years at home in Wisconsin, until they went to college in different states and agreed to see other people while they were apart. At least Gordon agreed to that. Tori says she didn’t, even though he believed they had an understanding.”

Kerr gave him a skeptical look. “So you think my client, a college student in Georgia, had something to do with the death of a college student here?”

Gonzo never blinked when he looked the guy in the eye. “I do.”

“Huh, well… That’s a bit of a stretch, don’t you think?”

“I don’t think so.”

“What evidence do you have to tie her to this crime?”

“Are you aware that Tori was harassing Rachel for months via text? So much so that Rachel got a new phone number that Tori eventually got ahold of and started the whole thing up again?”

“I hadn’t heard about that.”

“I didn’t think so. We’re working on putting the pieces together and will have more info later today.”

“You’ve already held my client longer than you’re allowed to.”

“We’ve been waiting for you, Counselor.”

Kerr didn’t like that answer, but Gonzo never blinked as he stared him down. Eventually, the lawyer looked away.

“I’d like to see my client.”

“Right this way.”

He led him to one of the interrogation rooms, turned the light on and told him to wait there. Normally, he’d ask someone else to fetch Tori from the basement jail, but he looked forward to seeing if a few nights in jail had humbled the young woman.

When he appeared outside the cell where she was being held with six other women, she met him with a wild-eyed look.

“You have to get me out of here.”

“The attorney your parents sent is upstairs.”

He nodded to the sergeant who ran the jail to unlock the door.

“Please extend your arms,” Gonzo said.