“Good point. I’ll have Trevor add it to the statement. Is there anything else you’d like to change before we have it put on the teleprompter?”
“No. The rest is fine.”
“I’ll take care of it. Will Sam appear with you?”
“Yes, she’s coming over.”
“Very good.”
None of this is good,Nick wanted to say. He was bereft over the loss of service members who’d voluntarily signed up to defend their country only to be struck down by a colleague who didn’t approve of how his commander in chief had attained the presidency.
He would have to call the families of those killed or injured, and they’d know he was the reason their loved one was dead.
Sam came into the room, raising his spirits ever so slightly with her presence. She walked over to him and slid onto his lap, wrapping her arms around him.
He breathed in her vanilla-and-lavender scent, taking comfort from her.
“I’m so, so sorry, Nick. What can I do?”
Tightening his hold on her, he said, “Just this for now.”
“Have you heard any details?”
“Yeah, and it’s bad.”
“How so?”
“It’s because of me.”
She raised her head from his shoulder so she could see his face. “What? How?”
He filled her in on what’d happened with Briggs earlier in the day. “Terry says it’s not my fault, but I feel responsible just the same.”
“Terry is right. Tell me you know that.”
“Intellectually, I agree. I didn’t pull the trigger and kill and injure those people. But he did it because he objects to me and the offer of a dishonorable discharge to anyone who doesn’t want to report to me as their commander in chief.”
“If you’re looking for someone to blame, look no further than the ex-Joint Chiefs who sparked the need for that email in the first place with their talk of overthrowing your government.”
He forced a smile for her benefit. “I love when my first lady gets fired up on my behalf.”
“Then you must love me often because that’s how much I’ve been fired up since you got this job. People suck. That isn’t your fault. It’s theirs. You’re working so hard to do the right thing for the American people, to keep them safe and healthy and prosperous. I honestly believe, in the final analysis, the people who appreciate you will far outnumber those who don’t.”
“That would be nice.”
“It’ll happen. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Lead with your heart. Show people who you really are and that you care about the same things they do. And whatever you do, don’t take responsibility for the actions of others. You have no control over what other people do. You only control how you react to it. You have to go out there and project strength and resolve and fortitude. That’s what people need from you right now.”
“Thank you for the reminder and the pep talk.”
She kissed him. “Any time you need it.”
A knock on the door preceded Terry’s return to the room. “Sorry to interrupt. We have a final statement drafted for you, Mr. President.”
Sam got up from Nick’s lap and stood behind him to read the statement over his shoulder.
He glanced up at her. “Do you approve?”
“I do.”