Page 89 of State of Bliss

“God. No. I hadn’t heard that.”

“Keep it on the DL until it comes through official channels.”

“I will. But you guys must be reeling.”

“We are.”

“It’s unreal. Truly.”

“And it’s embarrassing. That he was doing this shit while pretending to be an upstanding police officer is so revolting to the rest of us.”

“I know. We’ve seen some of it in the Bureau, too. It always hurts more than you think it will.”

“Yeah, it does.”

“Speaking of scumbags, what’s going on with your friend Ramsey?”

“I haven’t heard much from that front lately. He’s out on bail awaiting trial on multiple felonies after he rammed his car into my Secret Service SUV. Did you know that attempted murder of a federal agent is a big deal?”

Avery chuckled. “I’ve heard that rumor. Not to mention trying to off the first lady.”

“Not to mention. As if getting rid of me would solve all his problems.”

“No kidding. He’d still be an asshole.”

“I do worry about him suing the department over the shooting of his son. The last thing we need is more negative publicity surrounding a criminal within our own ranks.”

“Yeah, for sure. I worry about Joe being able to hang on through all of this.”

“Me, too. I can’t imagine work without him in charge. Once in a while, he and Malone talk about retiring, and it gives me hives.”

“It’ll happen at some point.”

“Shut your filthy mouth. It will not.”

“Oh damn. I’ve got the TV on. They’re saying three are dead at Fort Liberty. More than twenty injured, many seriously.”

“Oh God.”

“Fucking guns. It’s insanity.”

“Yes, it sure is. At work the other day, I heard that we’re having trouble recruiting new officers for the first time in decades. It has to be because everyone is armed and angry, and because of officers like Stahl and Ramsey, who make the entire profession look bad.”

“Nick’s gun task force is just what we need, but change won’t happen in time to stop what happened at Fort Liberty tonight or the next mass shooting.”

“I feel sick.”

“Me, too. On that happy note, I’ll let you go. I’ll keep you posted on what I hear about your mother-in-law.”

“Thank you, Avery.”

“Sure thing.”

Sam closed the phone and reached for the remote to turn on the TV. The faces of the Capitol News Network anchors were grim as they reported the latest from Fort Liberty. “My God,” she whispered.

Nick texted via the secure BlackBerry.Briefing in thirty min. Can you come next door?

Yes, I’ll be there. I’m so sorry, love. It’s terrible.