Page 70 of State of Bliss

“Why can’t you stand her? Is it because she’s gone to great lengths to protect her husband from someone who’s hurt him repeatedly?”

She wanted to curl up in a ball and die at the way his words sliced through her, leaving her bleeding on the inside. The sayingthe truth hurtshad never been more relevant. “I suppose.”

“Can you blame her? After what you’ve told me, I’m not surprised that she’s tried to protect him where you’re concerned.”

She put down her wineglass and stood. “I should go.”

“Go where?”

“Anywhere but here.”

“Have I said anything that isn’t factual?”

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, shame boiling up inside her and making her face feel overly warm. “I don’t want to be here anymore.”

He stood and came around the table to face her. “You have nowhere else to go. Your home is considered a crime scene. The media is camped out there, awaiting your return. In addition, your assets are frozen indefinitely, pending the outcome of legal proceedings.”

“I have friends,” she said defiantly.

“Unindicted coconspirators?”

“What does that mean?”

“It means, my dear, that your so-called friends have been encouraged to testify against you to keep themselves out of prison.”

“They’d never do that!”

“When looking at decades in prison, you’d be surprised what people will do.”

Hearing her friends had turned on her was devastating. She’d helped them make a lot of money. “Are you suggesting I make amends with my son so he might get me out of this jam? Because I doubt that’s going to happen.”

“Not at all. I’m suggesting you make amends with him to find some peace for yourself—and for him.”

She gave him a skeptical look. “Why do I feel like you’re selling me a bill of goods? Being all supportive and encouraging while you wait to pull the rug out from under me.”

“I hate to have to say it so inelegantly, but there’s no rug under you. I’m your best chance of dealing with these charges. I want you to think about fixing your relationship with your son so you’ll have something to look forward to when this is behind you.”

“When will it be behind me? To hear you talk, I’m going to die in prison.”

“Not if you’re willing to entertain a plea deal.”

“You mean the deal that will require me to ruin other people’s lives to save my own?”

“Yes, that one. I had a thought about that. If we were to nudge the prosecutors in the direction of the safe-deposit box, they could get a warrant for the contents, which would keep you from having to give up the info.”

“Would the people on those lists be charged?”

“At most with misdemeanor solicitation.”

“That’ll ruin their lives.”

“They knew that was a risk when they paid for sex.”

“I want you to know that no one has ever paid me for sex. I was just the facilitator.”

“That’s good to know.”

Once again, her weight shifted from one foot to the other, and she felt exquisitely uncomfortable as he directed a warm, sexy glance her way. She tingled all over when he gave her his full attention. She could never let him know he had that kind of power over her. “What’s in this for you?”