Page 159 of State of Bliss

“Whatever you say.”

“Listen, I’m not kidding around here. If you hadn’t told her what you did about Bryant, she could’ve walked. I’m not sure I would’ve had that idea.”

“Yes, you would have.”

“Well, it never crossed my mind until you said it.”

“I was praying that you wouldn’t suddenly look at me or something.”

“I had to stop myself.”

They cracked up.

Malone came into the pit. “What’s going on?”

Gonzo handed him the signed plea agreement. “We’ve got Tori.”

“Great job, guys. I guess one is better than none.”

“That’s the thinking. I’ll call Mrs. Fortier to update her.”

“I’ll get this back to Faith for you,” Malone said. “Really well done. I was afraid the case would implode without Bryant.”

“Sergeant Gonzales was masterful in making sure that didn’t happen.”

“Shutup, Cruz.”

“He was,” Freddie said again. “He totally nailed it.”

“No, you can’t have a raise,” Gonzo said, embarrassed by his friend’s effusiveness.

“Thank you both for a job well done,” Malone said. “It’s a relief to have a partial victory.”

“I still want to know why we had to release Bryant,” Gonzo said.

“You and me both,” Malone replied as he headed to his office.

“I have to call the mother,” Gonzo said.

“You want me to do that for you?”

“It’s nice of you to offer, but I’ll do it. Thanks for being my wingman in there.”

“Always a pleasure, Sarge.”

“If you hug me, I’ll punch you.”

“I’m not going to hug you. Go away. Make your call.”

Laughing, Gonzo went into the office and shut the door. He sat behind the desk and sent a text to Sam before he made the call.Got Tori to plead to MFH and accessory. 17-20 inside.

He’d tell her the details later. It was better not to put such things in writing.

GREAT NEWS, Sam replied.I was worried.

That meant she’d heard about Bryant being sprung. They’d havea lotto talk about when she returned from vacation.You and me both. Now I gotta call the mother.

Hugs, friend. Thanks for all you do.