Page 114 of State of Bliss

“Will do.”

After Gonzo ended the call, he gestured for Cruz to join him as they met with Tori and her lawyer.

“Gird your loins,” Gonzo muttered.


He snorted out a laugh and knocked on the door. “Time’s up.”

“I was just about to come find you,” Kerr said with a big smile, as if they were meeting at a country club rather than a cop shop. “We’re ready for you.”

Gonzo wished he was allowed to punch the smug look off his face, but alas, that sort of behavior was frowned upon. “It’s customary for the attorney to sit next to the client.”

For fuck’s sake. How green was this guy?

Kerr jumped up so quickly, he nearly knocked over the chair and the one next to it as Tori eyed him warily.

Gonzo would be wary, too, if he were her. The guy was a boob.

When Kerr was settled on Tori’s side of the table, Gonzo nodded to Freddie.

He turned on the recorder and made mention of who was in the room.

“I’d like to pick up where we left off previously,” Gonzo said. “After you harassed Rachel to the point where she had to change her phone number, how’d you get the new number?”

“Objection,” Kerr said. “You can’t prove she harassed anyone.”

It took everything Gonzo had not to laugh and roll his eyes. “Save your objections for court, Counselor.” He placed the printouts that showed the texts Rachel received from Tori, as well as the accompanying texts from Tori’s phone, on the table. “As you can see, we can easily tie the texts from Tori to Rachel.”

Kerr leaned in for a closer look.

“These are the texts that came from Tori’s phone to Rachel’s new number.” Gonzo put more pages on the table. “In addition, we’d like to know who you recently wrote a ten-thousand-dollar check to.”

Tori looked up at them in shock. “How do you know that?”

“We got a warrant for your financials. We’re waiting on another that will give us access to your canceled checks. Unless you’d like to fill us in. That’d save some time.”

She looked at Kerr for guidance.

He seemed uncertain of what to do, so Gonzo sat back in his chair and folded his arms to wait him out. Why should he make this easy for him?

“I’d, uh, like a moment alone with my client.”

Freddie pressed Pause on the recorder before they left the room.

In the hallway, Gonzo glanced at his friend. “Can you believe this guy?”


They cracked up laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Malone asked when he joined them.

“Tori Stevens’s defense attorney is a Harvard-educated doofus.”

“Oh jeez. Well, here are the canceled checks.”

Gonzo took the pages from the captain and looked through them, landing on the one he was most interested in, made out to Randy Bryant. He passed the page to Cruz. “Let’s figure out who he is.”