Page 113 of State of Bliss

“Which has to be much more difficult at times like this and when you learn what he did to—or didn’t do for—others.” He leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I can see that you’ve been crying.”

“It’s all very upsetting. I’d never say otherwise. Hearing the chief just now… He made me so proud to work for such a good man. That’s what caused the tears.”

Nick put his arm around her. “I’m sorry you’re all going through this. It’s outrageous.”

“Yes, it is, but I’d rather know the full extent and give those families as much closure as we can.”

“And that, right there, is what makes you the best cop I’ll ever know.”

“I’m not the best.”

“Yes, you are, and you have to let me think so.”

“As long as you only say that to me.”

“I’d say it to anyone who’d listen, but I know you don’t want that.”

“You’re right. I don’t.”

“We’ve got a few more days until the rest of the family arrives. What do you feel like doing?”

“After I take care of a couple of emails to my team and check in with Gonzo, I’d love nothing more than to light that fire and snuggle with you while we watch all the movies we’ve been saying we need to see.”

“That sounds perfect to me. Let’s do it.”

Chapter Twenty

Gonzo was about to go knock on the door of the interrogation room to move things along when Sam called. “I guess you’ve seen the latest?” he asked her.

“I have. I watched the chief’s presser. He did a great job.”

“What was the commander’s meeting about?”

“An update to us on the Stahl case and a request from the chief that I’ve sent to all of you by email, reminding everyone that he is the only one authorized to speak publicly about the case. Pass that along to our people if you would.”

“I will, and thank God he’s willing to do it.”

“I know, right? I feel for him at times like this. He’s tied for first with my dad as one of the best cops I’ve ever worked with. He doesn’t deserve all the shit that happens around there.”

“No, he doesn’t. None of us do. Speaking of shit around here, I heard that Forrester’s office is moving ahead with charges against Ramsey for smashing into your SUV. They’re working with the FBI on the investigation and looking to really make an example out of Ramsey, who not only attacked the first lady but two federal agents with his actions.”

“I’m glad he’s getting what he deserves, but it’s just more bad press for the department at a time when we really don’t need it.”

“It’s also proof that we prosecute our own. It’s a good message to send to anyone thinking about skirting the rules or assaulting people.”

“I guess. How’s it going with the Fortier case?”

“Our prime suspect is currently conferring with her attorney. Wait till you get a load of this guy. He handed us cards that noted he graduated from Harvard Law last May. He’s a pompous ass.”

“Oh, my favorite kind of lawyer.”

Gonzo laughed. “I can’t wait to watch you chew him up and spit him out.”

“I shall look forward to making a meal out of him.”

“I gotta go deal with him and his ass of a client.”

“Good luck with that. Keep me posted.”