Page 109 of State of Bliss


“So I can cuff you.”

“Why are you treating me like I’m some sort of criminal? I don’t belong in this place with…” She glanced over her shoulder. “Those people.”

Nope, Gonzo thought.The time in jail hasn’t done a thing to humble her.He wondered how years in the can would look on her, because he was certain she’d had something to do with Rachel’s death. He just had to prove it.

“Your arms.”

She stuck them out.

He cuffed her and led her to the stairs.

“When can I leave? I have homework to do.”

“You’re our guest for now.”

“What? Don’t I have rights?”

“You sure do. That’s why I’m taking you to see your attorney. Because you have the right to legal representation.”

“I have the right to my freedom, too.”

“Which shall be granted to you if and when a judge deems it should be. In the meantime, you’re our guest.” He opened the door to the interrogation room. “Meet your attorney, Miles Kerr. Mr. Kerr, your client, Tori Stevens. I’ll leave you to get acquainted. Let me know when you’re ready to continue our earlier discussion.”

“You have to get me out of here right now,” Tori said to the lawyer.

“Have a seat.”

“I don’t want to sit!”

Gonzo closed the door.

She was Kerr’s problem for the time being.

Chapter Nineteen

While she waited for Nick to return, Sam took a call from his dad, Leo. “Hi there.”

“Hi, Sam. Sorry to disturb your peace and quiet.”

“When does the peace and quiet start?” she asked with a laugh.

“I’m sorry that it’s been less than restful. The headlines are disturbing.”

“Yes, they are.”

“Because of that, I was calling to make sure you’re still up for having the boys this weekend. It’s no problem at all if you’re maxed out.”

Brayden and Brock Cappuano, Nick’s seven-year-old brothers, were due to arrive with Scotty and the kids Friday afternoon. Leo and his wife, Stacy, both had to work over the weekend and would be unable to join them.

“We’re looking forward to having them,” Sam said.

“Really? Because they’re a lot.”

Sam laughed. “They’ll keep our kids busy and occupied, and we’ve got the beach to entertain them all. We can’t wait.”

“You’re too kind. The boys are out of their minds with excitement about a weekend away from Mom and Dad.”