“Oh, she already knows!” he waves the subject away.

“Nice!” and I offer my hand for a high-five, and I smile when Harlan gives me one with vigor.

“We’re done here, Mr. Winters,” Olsen, head of the workers, very obese, but very spry and agile, says.

“You’re free to go, then. See you tomorrow,” I shake the man’s hand. “Say goodbye, Harlan!”

Harlan bids goodbye to each of the three workers that are helping with the nursery, calling them by name. Once they leave, I ask him, “How do you know their names, son? I only know Olsen…”

“I asked them!” he says with a shrug.

The door opens again, and it’s Liv coming up. She chirps, “Hi, boys!” as she rushes straight inside to see how things are progressing in the nursery.

“Ooh! Almost there!” she stands in the middle of the room and jumps around. “When does the paint job begin?”

“Um,” I tilt my head back, trying to remember. Meanwhile, Harlan clings to my pant leg as I touch his hair. “The artist will work over the weekend, at least that’s the schedule.”

“I can’t wait to see the little dinosaurs.” Now she comes close to kiss me.

Liv is now almost five months along, and the morning sickness is gone luckily, and she’s been feeling much better. I am happy that she’s looking forward to being a mom, and I for one, can’t wait to welcome our kiddo into the world. Even though she wants to wait on getting married, I am going to make an honest woman out of her if it’s the last thing I do.

She does have a stubborn streak, but I can’t help but love that about her.

I personally want to wait and have our baby’s gender be a surprise, but Bella has been pushing for a gender reveal party, and I think Liv wants to know too, so I may have to compromise.

“The baby better like the dinosaurs. I chose them!” Harlan says, interrupting my thoughts. His arms are crossed, and he is pouting yet again.

“The baby will love them!” Liv leans down to kiss Harlan on the cheek. “Now, did you boys already eat? I’m starving!”

I shake my head.

“Oh good! Let’s talk in the kitchen as I whip up a quick lasagna. I just got all the ingredients for it, and I got Harlan’s favorite ice cream for dessert!”

Harlan jumps up with excitement and I guide him with my hand on his shoulder as we follow her, knowing that I would follow this woman to the end of the universe.

Chapter Thirty-Five


I’mnavigatingthroughacolossal party, trying to find my parents, and I have a big round eight-month pregnant belly disrupting my balance.

Granted, I’m wearing flats, otherwise may God have mercy on my swollen feet, but standing and walking for extended amounts of time are starting to pose challenges.

The outdoor patio of the country club is bigger than I had remembered. Bella asked to organize the party, and there must be at least three hundred people sitting and standing around, all for a gender reveal party. Bella said it had to happen, now or never.

“Bella!” I call for her attention, but she’s talking on the phone. “Bella, did you see my parents?”

She just waves a finger signaling no and goes back to recoiling in her secluded corner of the garden.

It’s funny that Bella already knows my parents, but Alex doesn’t, as she went back home with me for a few holidays during college. Anyway, I just met his, James and Linda Winters. His mom is as lovely as Alex, and his dad is as fierce as Bella.

“Ah! There you are!” I finally find them being all lovey-dovey by the water fountain. “Alex arrived with his parents!”

Mom and dad look at each other, full of excitement, but also nervousness.

“Are you ready, dear?” Dad asks mom, a sly smile on his lips.

“As ready as I’ll ever be! Bring on the billionaire!” She starts walking, dragging my father behind her.