My mother’s name is Lylah, and my father’s name is Jefferson, Jeff for short. He’s a sales manager at a firm that sells office supplies, and mom has been a housewife ever since she got married.

“Oh God, these people are rich, what will they think of our clothes?” Mom asks to the air, giving herself a once over as we walk.

“Your dress alone cost a thousand dollars, woman!” Dad interjects, indignant. “Then there’s the purse, the shoes, the hair…”

“You’re going to do just fine!” I kiss mom’s cheek. “They’re humble people too. They weren’t rich until Alex got rich, and that didn’t happen until he got into his thirties!”

“Money makes snobs out of people!” Mom says. I know she’s being defensive, but I don’t want her to personally offend anyone.

“Mom,” I say in a tone of warning. “Please behave!”

I spot Alex and where he is standing with his parents and point it to my companions. “Oh, he’s so handsome!” Mom says, impressed.

“Linda, James,” I approach Alex’s parents with a warm smile. “These are my parents, Jefferson and Lylah Montgomery!”

“Feel free to call me Jeff,” my dad says as he shakes James’ hand.

“Oh, I like your purse!” Linda says, greeting my mom with a kiss. “Where did you buy it?”

We let them talk about their pleasantries for a moment, and then I finally introduce Alex to my father.

“Dad… This is Alex!” I stand in between them like a dancer doing jazz hands.

“What are your intentions with my daughter, boy?” Dad asks deadpan while shaking Alex’s hand.

“Well…” Alex goes deadpan too, noticing my father’s jest. “I plan on marrying her, whenever she lets me.”

Dad looks at me with disbelief. “I still can’t believe that. Did you really say no to this boy, Olivia?”

“Twice.” Alex holds up two fingers at the level of his eyes.

“What are you, nuts?” Dad asks, shaking his hand.

Mom lets go of Linda to come meet Alex. “Oh my God, you’re more handsome than your pictures!”

“You’re a beauty yourself, Mrs. Montgomery,” Alex says, kissing mom’s hand and being a charmer.

She’s red and giddy and didn’t even need the champagne to get there. Alex is flushed too, but he holds a poise few can, making him a sight to see and an example to be followed.

“So, you really don’t know the sex of the baby?” Linda asks, pointing from me to Alex.

“No!” I say, tenting my hands. “The obstetrician only told Bella!”

“I am impressed that girl kept it a secret!” James confides to the circle.

“And whose idea was it?” My dad asks.

“Alex!” I say.

“Liv!” Alex says at the same time.

“It was you!” I push him slightly. “You said you wanted to wait!”

“Yeah, but I wanted to know at the maternity ward, not in a huge party in front of everyone!” Alex says in his defense.

“Well, now deal with it!” I elbow him in the ribs.

“Liv, Alex, can you please come to the stage?”