“That’s not important, Bella!” I bump my shoulder against hers. “The important thing is—”

“She’s pregnant!” Bella makes jazz hands to the camera.

My father just sits there with his eyes wide and his mouth open.

I would have laughed if it were under different circumstances.

Mom finally nudges him as she speaks to him, “We are going to be grandparents, honey. Can you believe it?”

And then she looks back at me, “How far along are you?”

“Six to eight weeks. Soon we’ll be having the ultrasound,” I say, timidly.

“And when are you going to get married?” My father finally speaks.

And there it is. I was wondering what that was going to come up.

“Well…” I scratch the back of my head, “We haven’t discussed that yet…”

“Theyhavediscussed it, Mr. Montgomery!” Bella butts in again and I try to place a hand over her mouth, but it doesn’t work.

“Liv is the one who doesn’t want to yet! She wants to wait!”

My face is burning. I flee the room and lock myself in the bathroom with my phone, leaving Bella protesting outside.

“A billionaire proposed to you, and you said no?” Mom asks, daring me to admit that’s what I did.

“I didn’t say no…” I’m getting overwhelmed by all the questions. “I just said I wasn’t ready yet!”

“Olivia, you can’t keep him waiting!” Mom says in a tone of warning and my dad nods emphatically. “A man like him can have what he wants and who he wants at the snap of a finger!”

“Oh, mom… If you knew the story of how we met,” I say, starry-eyed. “He fought for me, mom. You wouldn’t be saying that.”

Mom shrugs. “If you say so, dear. Just don’t keep him waiting too long, okay honey?”

I just nod.

I stand there in the bathroom as my parents take in the news.

Finally, my dad sighs and meets my gaze. As he does, I see his eyes are a bit watery, which make mine start to tear up.

“Well, I didn’t expect this so soon. But you’re an adult, and you’re responsible. I trust you’ve thought about the implications.”

“We have, Dad. We’re committed to making this work,” I assure him.

He nods. “Alright, Liv. Your mom and I might not have envisioned this, but we love you, and we’ll stand by you. Just make sure you’re doing what’s best for you and the baby.”

Mom nods as he speaks, her eyes tearing up too. “And please keep us posted about the pregnancy sweetheart and how you are doing.”

“I will and thank you, mom and dad. Your support means a lot to me,” I say, feeling grateful.

When I hang up the phone, my eyes are filling up with tears of relief.

When I come back to the bedroom, Bella is sitting on the bed, looking at me with an expectant look on her face.

“Let’s finish packing! Alex will be here any minute!” I say, wiping tears from my eyes and clapping to make her move.

“See that wasn’t so bad, was it? So, what else did they say?!” Bella demands an answer from me.