“And what would that be?” she says.

“I do volunteer work at Helding Heights, and this Big Teddy apparently has a personal vendetta against me,” he says, calm and collected.

“Do you have any proof of those threats?” she asks, gesturing with an outstretched hand.

“Um, just what people are saying about it in the neighborhood,” I say, and Alex nods. “My colleague Martha is witness to it.”

“Then, we’ll need to talk to her,” the officer continues. “Can I find her at the office now?”

“Unless she took a sick day, which I doubt, then yes… She should be there,” I nod.

“Okay.” She finishes with her notes. “I have everything I need. You may be called if further clarification is needed. You two are free to go. Thank you very much for your time.”

“No, thank you,” Alex smiles at her, quite the charmer.

As we walk away from the desk, the officer is already on the phone trying to reach Martha. I look at her from over my shoulder for a while, then turn my attention back to Alex, who walks with a serious frown on his face.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, inspecting his visage.

“My dying wish is for the system to actually work,” he mutters, grumpily.

“You don’t think this is going to solve anything, do you?” I ask him, clinging to his arm.

“No,” Alex says, laconic. “I mean, I appreciate the work of the police, but when it comes to their history of actually making arrests and keeping perpetrators in jail, it’s not the most reassuring one.”

I sigh. “You’re probably right. But there isn’t much we can do besides making a statement and then wait for something to happen, right?”

“Right,” he agrees. “They’ll put more cruisers on the streets and be on the lookout for suspicious activity, but most likely, they’re just going to get the small fish. Anyway… I want to go see the Winslows today.”

“Are you sure?” I wince. As we walk out of the station, the security guard that came with us opens the passenger door for us.

“Yes,” he lets me enter first and I scoot to the other side so he can enter. “They got settled in the new apartment and I wasn’t there. I owe them a visit.”

“Alex…” I moan, reaching for him to hold his hand.

“We’re together and we have security, don’t we?” he holds me by the chin. “Though if you don’t want to go, I’ll drop you at home in a jiffy.”

I falter. I really don’t feel like going, no matter how noble Alex’s intentions are, but I’m also not about to leave him on his own.

“I’m going,” I say, firmly.

“Alright,” he smiles and kisses the corner of my mouth.

“Where to, sir?” the security guard in the driver’s seat asks.

“Helding Heights,” Alex says, energetic.

“One of us stays with the car and the other goes with you both?” the man confirms.

“Exactly,” Alex replies, and the car goes on into the street.

Helding Heights is already so familiar to me that I think I can find it with my eyes closed. Alex instructs the driver on where to park, and we are on our way to meet the Winslows a few seconds later, a security guard following close behind.

“This place looks so different without all those people working and walking around!” I comment, impressed with how spacious everything looks.

“It put a stress on the residents… The owner of the building almost went crazy,” Alex says. “But now it’s all done.”

We walk to the third floor and knock on a door already decorated for Christmas. “Coming!” an older lady’s voice says, and soon the door opens.