“What the hell did I do now?” I know Bella enough to know quite well when she is angry, and now I know I’m in trouble.

“How long have you been seeing Alex behind my back?” Bella asks, pointing to my phone’s screen.

“I…” I place a finger on my mouth, “Bella, I… You weren’t supposed to find out this way!”

“I heard your phone buzz and saw a text from him. There are texts here from three weeks ago, Liv!” she keeps on pointing to my phone. “Since when are you two together?”

I clasp my hands together in front of me, casting my gaze downward, overwhelmed with shame and feeling uncomfortable.

“We had sex the night of the flooding, but—”

“I knew it!” she shouts, the Texan girl showing in her accent.

“But it started much sooner,” I say.

“The day of the party, huh?” Bella asks, bitter.

“Yeah,” I nod. “We were flirting with each other. I didn’t know he was your brother, Bella!”

“But once you learned he was, you should have backed off, Liv!” she says, beyond pissed.

I sigh and let my shoulders slump in a dejected stance. “Maybe I should have. But the pull between us is just too strong. Plus, we are just taking it a day at a time. We would have told if we decided to be in a serious relationship. Bella, please understand!”

“Here,” she offers me my phone back. “If you’re not just a gold digger, then prove it.”

“How?” I ask, confused.

“Pick up this phone and break things off with him, Liv!”

Now I’m offended. She might be my friend, and I might have crossed a line, but I’m not about to let her take control like this.

“I’m not going to do that, Bella,” I cross my arms. “Your brother and I care about each other, and I couldn’t care less about his money.”

“Lies!” she stands, fists curled in balls. “Alex is stealing you from me, and you are stealing Alex from me! In the end, what’s it going to be? Me, alone, like a third wheel to your relationship!”

Biting down on my lip, I shake my head with vigor and wave my hands in front of my body.

“Bella, we’re not kids! This is not high school for me to exclude you from my life because of a relationship!”

And Bella growls with frustration. Showing me a white-knuckled grasp over my phone, she places it in my hand and then pushes me away from her in a display of utter disdain.

“You have one week, Liv.” She gives me the ultimatum, a finger raised to the level of my chest. “Either end this or leave the apartment.”

I narrow my eyes. “I’m not even sure yet where your brother and I are going. We are still just figuring it out. But if you are going to act like this and force me into a corner, then I better leave,” I say.

“You have a week.” She sits back on the couch with a scowl and changes the channel again.

“I’ll be out tomorrow,” I say, heading to my room to pack up my things.

Chapter Fourteen


AllIwantedwasa calm Sunday to spend time with my son, and maybe make some new plans with Liv, but my phone had to ring, and with a very angry Bella on the other side of the line.

“Hello?” I greet her, still oblivious.

“What do you think you’re doing with my best friend, Alex?” she shouts. I even place the phone away from my ears to withstand the noise.