Liv looks at me sideways with amusement, a smile playing at the corner of her lips.

“I’m just tired, don’t mind me,” she says, apologetically, waving a hand in front of her face. “Whenever you can, let’s get this show on the road.”

I take my sweet time eating, just watching as I make Liv wait and she grows more and more impatient. By the time I push my plate away, her eyes light up. I can tell she’s hoping we’ll finally start going around so she can snap her photos.

But I have a better idea.

“Do you ladies want to see the horses?” The country club houses five of my pets, and I can’t help but wonder what Liv will think of them.

“Do you have horses here?” Liv asks, interest piqued.

“I do,” I nod.

“Gorgeous things. Don’t put me within a hundred-yard perimeter of them though,” Bella says.

“Bella, you are the only girl from Texas who’s afraid of horses…” I tsk my tongue at her.

“Well, let’s go!” Liv says, standing up from her chair with excitement.

“Do you want to go too, buddy?” I lower my gaze toward him.

“I want dessert!” he says, all hyper.

“I’m sure Bolt is going to miss you, but okay….” I say in a solemn tone. “Bella please watch over him.”

Bella smiles at Harlan and then nods at me. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on him until you get back. Have fun!”

I grab an umbrella, and we venture out. The moment I rise, Liv becomes my shadow, trailing every step from the ballroom to the stables, unfazed by the rain or any obstacles in our path. She assures me her camera is waterproof.

“What breed do you raise?” It one of the many questions she has asked me on the way here and I’m more than happy to answer and have some alone time with her.

“They’re thoroughbreds,” I respond. “Thoroughbreds are the most common breed of racehorses, known for their speed and agility, and they prove to be very docile when properly trained.”

“Does your son ride a thoroughbred?” she asks, looking concerned.

“Oh no,” I shake my head and then knock on the door of the employee’s lounge, hoping to find some help with the animals. “He has a run-of-the-mill pony.”

I sigh, then turn to her with a small smile. “Listen, how long are we going to pretend our texts haven’t happened?”

“I… I…” Liv stutters and it’s adorable. “I’m not pretending! I just don’t know what to say!”

“Relax,” I reassure her, gently taking her by the wrist and rubbing my thumb against her skin. “We don’t have to talk about it yet if you don’t want to.”

As I speak, I continue to hold her gaze, emphasizing my sincerity. “No pressure, Liv. I'm not rushing you into anything you're not ready for. Take your time, and when you're comfortable, we can discuss it.”

She gives me a small smile back, making my heart melt along with the rest of me in this rain.

Rob, one of the stable hands, comes through the door, smiling upon seeing me. “Mr. Winters! Come to see your beauties?”

“Can you prepare Destiny for me, Rob?” I ask him, shaking his hand with a twenty well hidden in my palm.

“Of course! Come on in!”

We finally enter the stable itself, where many four-legged beauties await some attention.

“Which is your horse?” Liv asks, looking around at the magnificent equines surrounding us.

“The one I’ll be riding is… this one!” I say, pointing to my Destiny.