“Why?” I swallow.

“Because you're not as weak as your father makes you feel, Savannah.”

I didn't want to feel weak, but I always have.

“You want to show your father that you're no weakling, don’t you?” I nod because I do. Jacob runs his hand through his hair, the simple act terrifying me because I know he’s not giving me a choice, I will do this.

Jacob places the knife in my hand, and it begins to shake as I feel it in my palm.

“What if I chose to kill you instead?” I murmur. The side of Jacob’s mouth lifts in a cocky grin.

“If I were you, kitten, I’d make sure it hit the right spot, otherwise I’d force you to sit in his lap as I fucked you from behind.” I gulp as he stares at me, his jaw clenches, his head tilts as he stands and waits for me to make my decision.

“Now, kitten.” Taking a huge breath, I hold back a strangled cry as I stand frozen.

“Kill him now, Savannah, or I’ll slit your throat, and he can watch you bleed out,” Jacob snaps.

Stepping around him, I take his spot in front of Marcel. His gaze finds mine.

“You don’t have to do this, Savannah,” he pleads.

I nod slowly. “I do,” I croak, hating Jacob for forcing me to do this.

Feeling him behind me, I lift the knife and plunge it straight into Marcel's chest. The last thing I remember is his mouth filling with blood before everything went black.

GrabbingSavannah’s shaky hand that's still wrapped around the knife, I move it as her eyes flutter closed, and she drops into me. Lifting her into my arms, I carry her back to her room.

Forcing her to kill Marcel may have been selfish, but a small part of me just fell in love with her for going through with it.

She didn’t have to obey my command. She could have thrown the knife to the floor or done as she said and plunged it into my heart and ran. But she didn’t. She chose to stay. To end him.

Savannah whimpers in my arms, the sounds sending a jolt straight to my cock.

Groaning, I hold back placing her on the bed. Taking a step to the side, I go to move away but Savannah clutches my hand. “I hate you for making me do that?” she whispers, kneeling by the bed, and I run my fingers across her forehead.

“I didn't force you that time, kitten. That was all your choice,” I tell her, remove our joined hands, and with one final look over my shoulder, I watch as she breaks down knowing I'm right.

Making Savannah kill someone in cold blood made her realize she isn’t any different from me. She killed him knowing her father was going to force her to marry him. That I was going to end her if she didn’t.

What she doesn’t know is he was lying about the payment to her father. Pasquale paid him, her own father paid to get rid of her. He’s an evil fucking man who deserves what’s coming.

In time I’ll slit his throat, but for now, I have another body to deliver to him.

Ricardo is sipping his tumbler while a girl dances in his lap. His hand touches her hip before he lets it go and he holds out a small bag to her. She glances down, and he lifts it again, offering it to her. She places the pill on her tongue and then swallows it down unaware of what hell she’s about to be dragged into.

The urge to strangle him is overwhelming. This is what he does, he drugs girls and then fucks them and leaves them to wake up remembering nothing from the night before.

The only reminder is his cum inside them.

I watch him for a while longer, knowing it will only be a matter of time before the girl passes out in his lap, and he carries her to one of the rooms and forces himself on her.

Yeah, I sound fucking pathetic. Savannah is locked away in a cabin, too far from help. For all intents and purposes, she is my prisoner, but at least my kitten enjoys what I do to her even if she doesn’t admit it out loud.

Finally, she drops against his chest, and he leaves his drink and lifts her, throwing her over his shoulder.

I watch him walk through the crowd and then head down the hallway that is reserved for special requests.

I slip past the guard and make my way down, following behind him. The hallway is cast in darkness with only soft red lights above shining the way.