He and Doc stared at each other for a long minute, communicating something between them that wasn’t for anyone else. My heart ached with warmth and gratitude that my little family was whole again. Everyone had made it through this nightmare. We were all a mess, some of us more than others, but we were alive.
I stepped back so the brothers could have a quiet moment to talk without an audience. I moved over to Helen’s side and did something Jack had forbidden me to do.
“Don’t give up on him, Helen. If you care about him, make him see it. He needs a good woman by his side.”
She blinked at me with a hopeful smile. “You think I can be that woman for him?”
“I think you’re the only one who can.” I wrapped an arm around her waist and gave her a small, one-armed hug. “What do you think about dogs?”
Her giggle had both men turning to look at us. Jack had a narrowed-eyed look as he took in our close positions, but a smile teased the corner of his mouth. Doc’s expression turned soft and warm when he looked over the nurse. Yeah, they would be just fine. A little bit of pushing never hurt anyone.
We stayed in Doc’s room, talking and laughing quietly until it was obvious that Doc was getting tired. We said goodbye, promising to see him again the next day. I was sad as we left the room, anxious for everyone to be well enough to leave. Doc’s bullet wound had missed his spine but had hit a rib, bouncing over into his spleen before nicking something else. He’d be one organ short by the time he healed, but otherwise, he would fully recover.
When we rolled back into Jack’s room, we came to an abrupt stop when we realized someone was in there. Daisy was standing with her back to the room as she stared out the window at the twinkling lights of Pumpkin Patch. I could see her whole body stiffen with our arrival.
I climbed off Jack’s lap again, surprised when he didn’t fight me that time. I walked over to Daisy and stepped beside her, seeing the town lit up below.
“Thank you, Daisy,” I said softly. “What you did can never be repaid.”
She inhaled sharply, then let it out in a whoosh. “I wish I could have done more. If I’d known who the other mole was…”
“Kara played her part well. Too well. I was certainly fooled.” I shook my head in disgust at who I thought was my friend but who instead walked me right over to the devil with a smile on her face. “All that matters is that we all made it out alive. I’m sorry for killing your brother.”
Daisy shrugged. “He was a shitty brother.”
I tried to stifle a laugh, but Daisy started giggling, making me lose control until I was doubled over, clutching my side with tears leaking from the corners of my eyes. By the time we were done and brushing away the remnants of our laughter, Daisy was facing me with a smile.
“I’m really glad it’s over.”
I sighed as I looked over toward the bed where Jack was lying hooked back up to the machines and looking grumpy about it. “So am I. I just want to get back home and pretend none of this ever happened.” I looked back at Daisy to see her swipe at her face. “You know you’re welcome to stay.”
She shook her head. “No. There’s nothing here for me. I don’t have any more family, and I burned too many bridges to stay. Besides, I found a nice place to land, and there is this guy I kinda like. I think I want to explore things with him and see if we have something special. Something like what you and Bones have.”
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her in for a big hug. Even after all the shit she had pulled and the hell she had put me through when we’d worked together, I knew, deep down, that she was a good person. Someone I would have liked to know.
“You’ll stay in touch?” I asked as I stepped back.
She smiled, her lips trembling just a bit. “I’d like that.”
I nodded. “Good.”
She gestured toward the bed. “Do you mind if I say goodbye?”
I grinned at her. “I’d be pissed if you didn’t.”
I stayed by the window as Daisy slowly, but without hesitance, stepped over to Jack while he watched her approach. “Bones, I just wanted to let you know I’m leaving. I also wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for me. I wouldn’t have survived if it wasn’t for you. I didn’t deserve your help, not before, and not at my brother’s compound.” She swiped at her eyes. “You’re a good man, Bones.”
She stepped back and gave me a small wave as she headed for the door, but paused when Jack called out to her.
“Stay safe. If you ever need anything, you let me know.”
Daisy looked like she might cry but straightened her shoulders and firmed her lips as she acknowledged his words with a quick nod. Then she was leaving through the door, letting it close softly behind her.
After kicking off my shoes, I climbed into the bed with Jack and let him tuck me into his side. Neither of us said a word as we lay there quietly. We were both eager to get home. The doctor had promised that he might be able to leave tomorrow as long as Jack took care of himself. That was a promise I intended to make sure happened.