“Hey, little Queen. I got you some hot tea.” He set the cup down on the table before leaning over to kiss the top of my head.
I closed my eyes, savoring the warmth of his breath on me as he lingered there. When I opened them, I glanced at the closed bathroom door. I needed to protect him as much as I did Daisy. I couldn’t allow him to hurt her. And he would in a heartbeat if he thought I needed protecting, but if he did, his conscience would forever eat away at him.
“Jack?” I asked in a quiet voice.
“Hmmm?” He ran the backs of his tattooed fingers over my cheek, and I leaned into them.
“I’m a little hungry. Do you think that you can get me something small to eat? Maybe a sandwich? Or a muffin?” I looked up at him to see he was already straightening to his full height, ready to go get me whatever I asked for. It had my conscience pricking at me. I hesitated. “Maybe one of the guys could go get it for me?”
He shook his head. “I’ll get you what you need, baby. Is turkey okay?”
I blinked back the tears that started stinging my eyes at his thoughtfulness. “Turkey would be perfect.”
“Good. I’ll be back before you know it. If you need me for any reason, call.” He tapped the phone in my lap and bent down one last time to kiss me as I lifted my chin to meet his lips.
“Thank you,” I whispered.
“Don’t thank me for taking care of you, little Queen,” he said before heading back out of the room.
After several long seconds, Daisy cracked the bathroom door open, peeking her head out. Without another word to each other, we both nodded and then she followed quietly behind Jack. I didn’t know if I would ever see her again, but I wished her well and silently thanked her for risking everything just to bring me a warning.
It was late before we finally made it back home. My bloodwork had come back clean, with no serious concerns for my health. Doc had insisted on a final ultrasound right before we left the hospital to check on the baby one last time. It was clear that he was going to be an overprotective uncle. I was already starting to tease him about it. He was still arguing with Jack about becoming the new Vice President, but I was certain that Jack would get his way.
Doc found an entomologist to send the bug to at a nearby university, though it didn't seem to matter at that point. The inflamed bites had lessened in swelling with the dose of Benadryl he had prescribed at the hospital. It seemed whatever they were, it wasn't venomous. The entomologist didn't seem concerned about the insect when he saw the picture but promised he would look at it closer once he received the body. It was a lesson I would never forget, though. I won't be taking any more chances on unknown packages in the future.
I collapsed on the couch, exhausted from the day, even though I had spent the majority of it in a hospital bed. Jack dropped his keys on the table by the front door after waving off Doc, who had given me a ride back in his SUV. He locked the door and set the alarm before turning to look at me. Zero and I were huddled together with his fluffy white head in my lap as he stared up at Jack with baleful eyes. I had a feeling he could sense that something had happened. Either that, or he just didn't like how I had left him all alone all day after the last couple of months being available for cuddles any time he wanted.
Jack snorted, then shook his head as he shrugged off his leather cut. He folded it and laid it over the arm of the recliner adjacent to the couch. He sat down and then started removing his heavy motorcycle boots. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sight of his muscles bunching and moving under the black T-shirt he wore. It never failed to send a thrill through me when I watched him. He was so beautiful.
Once he tugged off his socks, laying them over the tops of his boots, he stood back up and disappeared in the direction of the kitchen. I closed my eyes as I listened to him moving around. It was so strange to think that this was my life now. I never could have imagined being here just a few short months ago. But as I dug my fingertips into Zero's thick fur, I relished every second.
Jack came back into the room with a bottle of beer and a water bottle. I gave him a smile when he handed me the water, then giggled at Zero's disgruntled huff when Jack shooed him off the couch, taking his place at my side. Jack's arm went around me, pulling me close, and we both sighed at the contact.
"Did you know you had voicemails?" He asked as he pulled my phone out of my pocket, about to toss it onto the coffee table.
"Hmmm?" I was sleepy, ready to end the night after such a long day. "Oh. I forgot. I was getting spam calls all day, I think." I frowned down at the phone he held toward me. "I didn't recognize the number, so I didn't pay attention to it."
He hesitated, then pushed the phone into my hand. "You should check, just in case," he suggested, "unless you want me to check for you."
I shrugged. "I doubt the Boogeymen are calling me from a California number." After unlocking the phone, I went to the voicemails, ready to delete them without looking, when the words of the first message caught my eye. My breath seized.
Jack tensed at my reaction, then slipped the phone from my suddenly trembling fingers. His vicious curse had me squeezing my eyes closed. He put the voicemail on speaker, and we listened to it together.
"Miss O'Hara? This is Marshall Douglas from the California State Penitentiary in Los Angeles County. I have been trying to reach you regarding a very serious matter that may be a cause for concern for your safety. As of 8:37 am this morning, the inmate by the name of Finkle Stein escaped the custody of his correctional officers during a routine doctor's visit. It is believed the prisoner exaggerated his inability to walk. At this time, we have no known location for his whereabouts. We feel you should be on high alert as we conduct our search for Finkle Stein. For any additional information, you can reach my office at 555-691-0102."
Once the voicemail ended, Jack played the second one that said much the same information. All I could do was sit there in stunned disbelief. How could it have happened? I was too out of it at the time, but it was my understanding that Jack had broken the doctor's knees so severely that he was never supposed to walk again. Dr. Stein was never supposed to be a threat to me or anyone else after going to prison.
Stunned, I stumbled up from the couch, refusing to listen to any more of the messages that were a warning to my safety. There was no doubt he was going to come for me. On stiff legs, I walked down the hallway, ignoring Jack's curses. By the time I made it to the bedroom, I was gasping for breath. My arm was throbbing painfully, the ache there vicious as the phantom feeling of the knife that had torn through my skin and muscle began its torturous slicing all over again.
I stumbled against the bathroom counter, my hand catching me before I could fall against the tile. My head was ringing with my own screams.No. No. No.He wasn't supposed to leave prison. I didn't have to testify against him because he was caught red-handed, literally, holding the knife. He had been sentenced to life. I was supposed to be free.
I rushed to the toilet, dropping to the floor. As I emptied my stomach, Jack gathered my hair. He knelt beside me, not saying a word. As I slumped over the toilet seat and blinked up at him through watery eyes, I could see what it was costing him to remain strong for me.
Jack was the kind of man that wanted to slay my demons. If he could, he would hunt down Dr. Stein and destroy him once and for all. I knew he had to be beating himself up inside, thinking that he had failed me.