I huffed. “I don’t see why we have to play the semantics game.”
Jack snorted, then kissed the tip of my nose. “Right. Semantics.”
I tapped my fingertip on his stubbled chin and gave a decisive nod. “Thank you for seeing things my way, sir.”
Aknock on the door had Jack and I looking in that direction as if we held the ability to see through the fabric hanging in the way. The door cracked open just before the familiar voice of Helen called out. I covered Jack’s hand with my own, giving a shake of my head so he’d slide the gun back under his vest before the sweet nurse that his brother had a crush on could see it and freak the fuck out.
“Hey, Sally. Dr. Erickson said his brother arrived.” She was dragging something on wheels, and I saw her backside before the rest of her came into view.
I nudged Jack. “Go help her.”
He didn’t say a word; he just tightened his arms around me. Which I suppose was answer enough. Jack wasn’t ready to let me go yet.
“Oh my.” Helen’s words trailed off once she caught sight of Jack holding me possessively in his arms. She looked away quickly as if she had caught us in a compromising position that wasn’t as innocent as him holding me tightly with all our clothing on. Well, I mean, I was in just a thin gown with my ass completely exposed.
“I have the ultrasound machine here. I told the technician I would get it set up for them, but they should be here in just a few minutes,” Her rambling was cute, but I didn’t like the idea that I was making her uncomfortable. I nudge Jack again.
“Maybe you should let me up.”
Again, he tightened his arms. “I can’t, Sally. Don’t ask me again.”
“Oh, please don’t get up if you’re comfortable. It’s okay.” Helen gave a reassuring smile as she glanced over from where she had begun to sort wires and plugs for the big square machine.
“It’s you I don’t want to make uncomfortable. Jack can hold my hand from the chair.” I stared pointedly at Jack as I said the words. He stared right back at me blankly.
Helen stopped prepping and turned to look us over again. “You don’t make me uncomfortable. You make me wistful. I wish I had what you two so clearly do.” She hit a button on the machine, and the screen came to life. “It might be a little jealousy, too.” She laughed lightly, then walked back to the door. “I’ll see you two soon. And don’t worry, Dr. Erickson’s brother, I’ll inform the ultrasound tech that she needs to expect her patient to be held while she does her job.” She gave a wink and a smile before pausing at the door. “She can work around you.” With that, she was gone.
“What’s going on with that nurse?” Jack jerked his chin in the direction of the now empty doorway.
“I think Doc has a crush on her. Or she has a crush on him? Maybe a mutual crush.” I shrugged. “But it was clear they both liked each other. It’s also clear that neither one of them has acted on it.” I turned on Jack’s lap to face him more. “Do you think?—”
“No.” His tone was flat. Final.
“But, Jack?—”
I gave out a disgruntled huff and crossed my arms over my chest. I wasn’t going to agree not to meddle, no matter what Jack said. What could it hurt to give a little push?
“Little Queen,” his tone was a warning, but I could hear the amusement he was failing to hide. I just gave a non-committal hum as I stared at the floral pattern on the curtain. Jack sighed and settled his chin on my shoulder. I absentmindedly scratched at the spots on my arms. The bites weren’t too bad, but they were definitely itchy.
A large hand settled over mine, stopping my fingernails from doing any damage. “Baby, I don’t want you to make yourself bleed. I’m barely holding it together here. If I see blood on your beautiful skin, I’m going to start tearing things apart.”
I sighed and snuggled further into his warm body. I relaxed into him and allowed his comforting presence to soothe away the lingering terror. I let my eyes drift shut and let my mind wander back to last night and our conversation. Before the attack a couple of months ago, I had been the happiest I had ever been in my life. It was difficult just to erase all the pain and doubt that I had gone through in the recent weeks, but knowing that all of our problems stemmed from a lack of communication had gone a long way in making me get past it. We just needed to avoid anything like it in the future.
It wasn’t long before another knock sounded on the door. It opened immediately, a feminine voice calling from behind the curtain.
“Sally? Are you ready for your sonogram?”
A small woman with a bright smile and a headful of long, shiny braids twisted back into a smooth updo stepped around the curtain at my answering, “Yes.”
“Great! I’m Shana.” She walked over to the machine that Helen had set up and started clicking on the multitude of buttons. “Helen warned me that we might have to do this with company.” She grinned, eyeing Jack’s arms that were still wrapped tight around me. “I don’t blame you.” She winked and held out a skinny white bottle. “But I’m going to need you as flat as possible.”
With some maneuvering, I wiggled until I was flat on my back, my head in Jack’s lap. My feet were hanging off the end of the bed, but the ultrasound technician didn’t seem to mind the position I had to get into to keep Jack from losing his shit. When I lifted my gown up to tuck under my breasts, Jack made sure to keep my lower half covered while holding one arm over my breasts. His overprotectiveness had me wondering how he would react once it was time for me to deliver this baby. If he didn’t want to see me in pain, he was going to be in for a rude awakening in a few more months.