She lifted her head, blinking her beautiful, confused blue eyes. “Jack?” The confusion cleared quickly as her eyes took in my face, bouncing from my eyes, my nose, down to my mouth before darting back up to my eyes. A radiant smile broke out over her face. “You’re here,” she breathed in wonder and relief.

My once dead heart gave an uncomfortable squeeze in my chest. I did that to her. I made her second guess my adoration for her. I tightened my hold across her back and nuzzled into her neck, breathing in the intoxicating fragrance of all that she was. Her scent was mixed with mine. The smell of us together, along with the feel of her sweet, soft body laying snugly against my hard muscles, had my already stiff cock turning hard as stone for her. You would think that I couldn’t get hard again so soon after the marathon of sex we’d had the night before. Every surface and most of the walls had seen action last night, but I had learned from the beginning that just the thought of Sally could make me hard over and over again.

“I’m here, baby.”

I held her tight and flipped us over in a swift move, grinning when she let out a small squeal of shock at the abrupt movement. I brushed the hair out of her eyes as she blinked up at me, then narrowed her eyes.

“You could warn a girl.”

I grinned down at her, then spread my palm over her throat, reaching for her heartbeat. As I found that life force, proof that she was alive, I shifted my hips and slowly sank my cock inside her warm, wet heat carefully, knowing she was likely sore. I watched as her eyes clouded over with pleasure. The sound of her low moan made my heart squeeze for an entirely different reason.

With long, lazy strokes, I brought both of us to a satisfying climax as she ran her hands up and down my back. I could feel her fingers glide softly along the low ridges of the scars. They were nothing like her long, deep ones. The experience I’d had receiving mine was a different kind of torture than what she’d had to endure. We’d both had more traumatizing moments in our lives than most people could even begin to imagine, and it had shaped both of us. It had turned me into a monster that had only learned to feel again once this angel came into my life.

As I emptied myself into her gripping cunt, I buried my face into her neck. The overwhelming emotions threatened to bring tears to eyes that hadn’t shed a tear since I held that first blade, feeling it slice through my personal monster’s flesh. This woman had somehow brought humanity back to me. I still wasn’t sure if I liked that or not. What I did know is that I would never trade her for anything. I would go through a thousand tortures if it led me to my Queen.

“Ummm,” she purred as she stretched below me. Once her breathing steadied and her heart rate returned to normal, she whispered, “I love you, Jack.”

Would I ever get used to hearing those words? I pressed a kiss to her neck and lifted my head to gaze directly into gorgeous blues. “I love you.” My words were like gravel, pushing through a throat tight with emotion. “You are my everything.”

Her smile was sweet and soft. She lifted a hand and smoothed it down my cheek, the raspy sound of my thick stubble sounding loud in the quiet office.

“What are we going to do today?”

I slowly withdrew my softened cock from her warmth, already missing the tight grasp of her cunt before I was even all the way out. As I fell out completely, I leaned up on my elbows to glance down her body at where I had been. One of her legs was pressed tightly to the back of the couch, and the other was over the side, spread as wide as she could be in the small space. I watched, fascinated as always, as my release slowly slid from her body.

With a grunt, I smoothed my fingers through the wetness and brought it up to her belly, where my child rested safely. I ran my fingers in slow circles and painted her with my essence. Then I took a finger and wrote four letters through the whole thing.

Once I was done, I looked back up to see her grinning at me. “I guess I’m going to have to wash you up.” I looked back down where I had written MINE across her belly. “And because I want to keep those letters on you, I’ll have to dirty you up again.”

She let out a small laugh. “I think I might have to wait until tomorrow for that.” She wiggled her hips and gave a slight wince. “I might be a little sore today.”

I wish I could say I felt bad about that. But a part of me felt nothing but pride that I’d fucked my woman so well that she’d feel me even when I wasn’t inside her. I got off the couch and held my tattooed hand out to her. “Come on then, little Queen. I’ll wash you, then put some ice on your poor, abused cunt.”

She blushed as red as her hair as she gripped my hand. “Jack!” Her laughing tone was admonishing, but there was no disguising her small whimper of need as I held her tight against me once we were both standing. I slid my hand down her back, past the lush curve of her ass, and slid further until my thumb was over the puckered hole of her ass, and my fingers were sliding through the wetness of her pussy lips.

I smirked down at her. “Are you sure you want to wait until tomorrow?” I sank a finger into her cunt and swirled my thumb over her asshole. I hadn’t taken her there yet, but I would claim all of her one day. She was mine, and I needed to own every single part of her body.

Her little whimper turned into a moan, making my cock, which had finally been satisfied, twitch. Then, a knock sounded at the door, making Sally jump. Her sudden movement made my finger slide deeper. I was about to push back my plans for a shower when Barrel’s muffled voice sounded through the door, the tone urgent.

“Sorry, Prez. I hate to interrupt. But, something important has come up that you are going to want to deal with yourself.”

“Fuck,” I grumbled, watching as Sally’s expression went from pleasure to disappointment. With more reluctance than I would have imagined, I pulled my hand from between her legs, giving her one last sweep of my thumb. Her whole body shivered, but she smiled up at me with understanding, already forgiving me for leaving her before I’d even walked out the door. I let out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry.”

She cupped my face and raised up on her toes to press a soft kiss to my mouth. “Don’t be, Mr. Biker President. Just be safe for me, okay?”

“Fuck, I don’t deserve you.” I pulled her tight, drawing her up my body until she wrapped those lithe little legs around my hips. I gripped her hair in my fist and angled her head to give her a proper kiss. It was fast, but it was everything I couldn’t find the words to say. I pulled back. “But I’m never letting you go.”

“Good,” she sighed, letting her legs drop, then stepping back. She looked around the room for her clothes, walking over to where her shirt was peeking out from under my desk. I groaned as she bent over to pick it up, showing off her wet slit. I resisted stroking my cock before walking over to the door, cracking it open just far enough to see Barrel. The tired lines on his face and the tussled hair made it look like he’d enjoyed himself a little too much last night.

I glared at him as he leaned against the doorway. He yawned wide enough for me to see his tonsils, and I was ready to slam the door in his face until he shook his head as if he were shaking away the fatigue. I wondered if he’d even made it to a bed yet. His eyes opened, finally catching sight of my glare, but his gaze went down my body, the smirk that he had pasted on dropping as his mouth gaped open.

“Holy fuck, Prez! Everyone wondered, but no one really thought you’d have the balls to be tattooed literally everywhere.”

I heard a snicker coming from behind me and turned my head to see that my girl had most of her clothes on and was pulling her top over her head. She gave me a saucy wink as she strolled over to me, ignoring the scowl I aimed at her for laughing. She walked up behind me and slid her arms around my waist from behind, laying her head on my back before placing a kiss there and poking her head around my arm.

“Hey, Barrel.”

He started to give her the signature smirk that he sent all the ladies until I narrowed my eyes in warning. He cleared his throat instead and ran a hand through his messy hair. “Hey, Sally. Morning. Have a good night?”