Ilay back on the bed, listening as Sally moved around the house. I fucking hated being restricted. What I hated even more was not being able to help out with the daily things that needed to be done around the house and club. With Doc and I both laid up while healing from our injuries, it had been up to Barrel, Shock, and Tech to run the club, while Sally insisted on taking care of the majority of my business work. I finally insisted that I would have no issues dealing with paperwork while sitting on my ass. She fought me at first, but once I convinced her that I would lose my fucking mind if I didn’t have something to occupy it, she gave in, bringing the stack of papers from my desk at the club.
Zero jumped on the bed where I was reclining against the headboard, and I ruffled his fur while Sally walked through the bedroom after turning off all the lights in the rest of the house. She smiled sweetly as she walked through the room, pausing at my side to drop a kiss on my cheek before heading to the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on, and I’d had enough.
“Bed, Zero.” He gave a low woof, but after licking my hand, he jumped from the bed. I watched as he circled three times and pawed at his pillow before laying down with a huff. I thought of Sally as she climbed under the spray, pictured her naked body, and groaned. This invalid shit was more than I could take.
I climbed off the bed and held back a wince as my ribs groaned in protest. I pulled the sweatpants down my legs and kicked them into the corner. It was still too hard to bend down to pick things off the floor. I would have to make it up to my little Queen later. Once I was fully healed, I would treat her like the queen she was, making sure she didn’t have to lift a finger. I was damn lucky she looked after me and took care of all the things I couldn’t while I was laid up.
I gingerly climbed back onto the bed and thought about what I was going to do tonight. What I was going to haveherdo. I may not be able to give her the dicking I wanted and what I knew she really craved from me, but I would make tonight enjoyable. It would only be a couple more weeks before I would be able to give her all of me. But there was no way I could wait that long.
I heard the shower turn off and closed my eyes as I pictured her wet body. The way the water would drip off her perky nipples that had grown darker with her pregnancy. I licked my lips as I thought about the way they felt in my mouth. I would have that tonight. I fisted my cock as I waited. It wouldn’t be long before she was finished in the bathroom.
When she walked into the room wearing a small pair of sleep shorts that showed off her toned legs and the smallest, thinnest fucking tank top known to man, I growled with my hand squeezing my cock.
“Get over here.”
She startled with her hand on the light switch.
“Go ahead and turn it off.” The bedside lamp was on. It would give me plenty of light to see what I had missed in the last two weeks. With a blush that rose from the tops of her breasts to spread up her neck and onto her beautiful face, she hit the lights. The lamp cast a warm glow over the bed, guiding her straight to me.
“Take off your clothes and climb on my face.”
She brought a hand to the front of her neck and rubbed absently as her thighs pressed together. “Jack, I don’t think?—”
“Little Queen, if you don’t climb on my face right now, I am going to get out of this bed and bend you over it. Would you rather do all the work or take the chance I could hurt myself more?”
“That’s coercion, Jack.” Her tone may have been admonishing, but her sweet giggle told me she wasn’t opposed.
“I don’t give a fuck. It’s been almost three weeks since I had your taste in my mouth. I’m dying without it. Seeing you walk around this house with your sexy tits swaying and your hot as fuck body teasing me has my cock ready to explode.” I took my hand off my length so she could see how swollen I was for her. “See what you do to me, little Queen?” I rubbed my thumb over the precome that was leaking from the tip and almost groaned at the sensation. I couldn’t resist another pump of my tight fist before letting go and reaching down to grip my balls. “I need you. Now.”
She swallowed hard as she watched my hand move. She looked like she wanted to argue, but I could see the moment her resolve broke, and her hands went to her top. With one swift movement, she had it torn over her head and dropped to the floor. I groaned as my hand involuntarily squeezed.
Her shorts were next. I licked my lips as I saw her wet cunt exposed to me. I needed her in my mouth. No more waiting. I shifted on the bed until my back was flat. “Climb up here. I want your pussy in my mouth. I need you to ride my face, baby.”
She walked over, her nipples hard points on her breasts, and goosebumps spread over her arms. She hesitated at the side of the bed. “You’ll tell me if you hurt?” I grunted, wanting to grab her and yank her to me, but I knew it would make her stop, and my plans would be ruined.
“I swear I won’t move. You can do all the work, and I will stay perfectly still. But, little Queen, if you don’t get on my face right now, the punishment you have coming to you when I am better will be so much worse.” My words were barely understandable even to my own ears as I growled.
“Okay, Jack.” She put one knee on the bed and hesitated until I gripped her hips in frustration and pulled. She grabbed onto the headboard with both hands. It was her turn to glare as she stared down at me. Her pussy was so close, I could smell it, but she held herself back. “I know you’re used to being in control, but if you move a single muscle other than your tongue, I will stop.”
I grinned up at her. “You’re cute when you’re mad. It’s like a spitting kitten.”
She narrowed her eyes. “I’m not messing around, Jack. No moving, or we’re done. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am. Now, give me my pussy.”
She sighed in exasperation but shifted up my body. I could feel the heat of her wet cunt as it moved up my abdomen and chest. My cock was so hard I was worried I would come the second her taste hit my tongue. That was alright; I knew I had more than enough to give her. I’d be hard again before I was done eating her.
She hovered over my face, and I could see how wet she was, the moisture glistening on her folds and inner thighs.
“Sit!” I commanded. I had to grip the sheets at my sides to stop myself from grabbing her again. I knew my fierce little kitten would carry out her threat of stopping. She had grown so much since I had first seen her. She’d evolved from a scared little girl hiding behind her hair to the warrior queen who stared down two different evil men and won. I loved her so much more with every day that passed. I never knew it was possible to care about someone the way I did her. For so many years, I had just moved through life with a cold, dead heart. She brought me to life with one look of her beautiful blue eyes.
Gingerly, she lowered her pussy until it hovered just above my mouth. “Oh my god, this is so awkward,” she mumbled. I stuck my tongue out and swiped through her wetness, my eyes nearly rolling in the back of my head.
“Don’t think, just feel.”
When my tongue glanced over her clit, she quivered, her knees lowering her a little more. When I slid my tongue through her wetness to swirl around her entrance, she trembled, gripping the headboard tight. When I sucked on her clit, she lost her battle with the grip on the bed and sank the rest of the way, nearly suffocating me. I groaned. I would die a happy man.
She gasped and rubbed frantically as I chuckled. Suddenly, her shyness and reservations were gone, and I was just the tool to be used to get her off. I had to grip my hard cock firmly at the base, hard, to stop myself from coming all over my stomach and her ass.