Page 1 of Yours Truly



“Don’t you think this idea is a bit stupid?” Draven grumbled through the phone. I stirred my coffee, letting him rant. “I swear to God, I don’t know why I do this shit for Jay. Why do I do this shit, Cam?”

Draven had been grumpy about the military pen pal thing we’d signed up for with Jayden after Jayden pleaded for us to do it with him. I didn’t mind. I was a little excited about it. But Draven? He was acting like it was the end of the world.

“Because you have a soft spot for him,” I reminded him. We both did. Jayden was bratty, but his heart was soft. He needed people to take care of him. He felt everything too deeply, and life affected his sweet soul differently than it affected me or Draven.

Draven sighed. “I wish I didn’t sometimes,” he confessed. “I don’t want to write some stranger. But now I know if I don’t, it’ll make Jay upset.”

And we both hated it when he got upset.

“If you get approved,” I told him, “just write a simple letter. You don’t even have to go in-depth about anything.” I sipped at my coffee, the hazelnut flavor bursting on my tongue. “It’s just a holiday thing. You can stop responding anytime you want.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Draven grumbled. I heard his alarm going off in the background. “Fuck. I need to get to work. I’ll call later.”

“M’kay,” I told him. “Be safe.”

Draven worked at a bar as a manager, and he loved his job. But I knew how rowdy it could get there some nights. And with it being a Fridayandit nearing Christmas, which meant the bar was doing Christmas festivities like decorations, drinks, food, etc., it was going to be absolutely wild.

Draven snorted. “I’m always safe. I can handle my own. Enjoy your night in.”

We ended the call, and I set my phone on the counter, looking at my backyard. The trees were bare, leaves on the ground. I needed to get out there and rake them up, but I was too lazy. And my motivation to do anything was slim to none.

I was lonely. Sure, I had my best friends, Jayden and Draven, but it wasn’t the same as having someone who wasmine. Someone to hold me all night long. A person to share everything with—my home, my bed, my happiness, my achievements.

I wantedmy person.

My phone pinged, and I looked down at it, my eyes widening at the email from the organization that put together the military pen pal thing. Quickly, I snatched my phone up, my heart in my throat. I’d been approved, and I had already been assigned my pen pal.

And holyfuck, he was hot.

Amree Ngom looked to be Thai—I watched enough boy-love Thai dramas to recognize a sinfully hot Thai man when I saw one. His dark hair was longer on top and short on the sides—nearly buzzed but not quite. His eyes were dark, and though he wasn’t smiling in his picture, there was happiness in his eyes.

My heart clenched in my chest. He was gorgeous. Almost too good to be true.

And I was going to write him. Right now.

Quickly, I rushed to my bedroom and grabbed a notebook and a pen before sitting on my bed cross-legged, balancing the notebook on my thigh. I had no idea what I was going to write, but I also wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass me by.

What if Amree turned out to be the person I’d been waiting on?


Hi. My name is Cameron Lancaster. I signed up for a military pen pal thing with my best friends. I’ve never been someone’s pen pal before, but I’m excited for the opportunity to get to know you.

I’m sorry you’re away from home during Christmas, but I hope this letter cheers you up a bit. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. The lights, the festivities—it all just makes me happy inside. What about you? Does Christmas make you feel warm inside, too?

I guess I should tell you a little bit about me. I’m a college graduate with a degree in English. I teach at a high school. The teacher before me apparently had a hard time controlling ninth graders, but I don’t have issues with my students. They’re all very sweet, and I adore all of them.

I enjoy reading and drawing. I tried writing, but story-telling isn’t really my thing. I get distracted too easily and veer off the plot too often.

I feel like I’m rambling a lot, but I’m not sure what to write to someone I’ve never had any interaction with before. So, I’m sorry if this feels all weird and out of sorts. I guess I’ll end the letter here. I hate that it’s so short, but I’m crap at this kind of thing.

I hope to hear from you soon,
