He pulls back and presses his lips to my forehead.

“There’s more,” he says.

I tense because what he’s told me is so awful, and I can’t imagine how much worse it can get. I have to try really hard not to allow any thoughts of what happened to him into my mind.


“Please sit down.”

I sit down and glance at Lukas, who is sitting there looking gray.

“We found the estate we escaped from. No, wait, we need to go back further.” Darion glances at Lukas.

I twist in the seat to look at him.

“I found a girl about nine years ago. She was out of it, messed up, only young, maybe eighteen. Her name was Kenzie. I took her to the hospital, but she said some things in the car that triggered my memory.”

“Memory of where you were?” I ask. I don’t tell them I recognise that name from my friend Lillian’s story.

“Yes.” Lukas looks away. “They’d only just brought me to the room. I hadn’t drunk much of the bourbons they were handing out, and I have clearer memories. I remember things like the crown molding. The cream carpet that was so clean and felt plush like a teddy bear. I remember the gold watch on the man’s arm. In short, I remembered enough to work out that the person who had us was very bloody rich, and I remembered the sounds of some of their voices.”

I blink at him. Lukas scrapes his hair back and puts his elbows on his knees, staring at the carpet.

“We talked about it and realised it was still happening, and no one was doing anything about it. It’s a rumour, an urban myth in our city.”

“I remember the whispers. Not to go to the wharf, catch the train with a friend, don’t go with strangers even if they are your age. It’s common enough survival information.” I admit to them.

“Not like this. Anyway, we decided to do something about it.”

I sit up straight and look quickly between the three of them. “Do something?”

“We’ve been tracking them, running security around the streets, buying information, blackmailing or bribing. We have so much information, just not confirmed evidence of the person who is orchestrating it. And we’re close now, so close.” Darion says, the fervor in his eyes borders on maniacal.

My eyes widen. “The Gala? You’re planning on getting evidence at the Gala?”

“Yes.” Seb says.

I turn to him.

“The other side of this is that we think they are…buying time with a select few of their kidnappees. Like an auction.”

I feel sick. “How do you mean?” I ask, wishing I didn’t have to.

“The person in charge kidnaps an omega,” he flicks an apologetic look at Darion, “he lets some select customers know, and people can buy time. Buy the rights to um…”

“Rape?” I rasp out.

“Beat, rape, kill, torture.” Seb reaches out and places a palm on my thigh. “Breathe, love, you need to breathe.”

I whip my head between the three of them. “Did you start this business to stop this group of monsters?”

“We couldn’t just allow this to happen.” Darion protests hotly.

I squeeze my eyes closed. “Everyone thinks you three are so scary and dangerous and bad, and you’re the heroes.”

Lukas snorts a laugh and tugs me onto his lap. “We are all those things they said, but we are also alphas, and these are our streets to protect.”

I melt. I just…any doubts I had, they all just melt away. I twist around and snag Seb and Darion, pulling them towards me, until all four of us are hugging.