“Lillian,” I breathe, aching for her. I reach out, gripping her fingers, and then hug her, trying to pour everything I don’t have words for into that hold of solidarity. “I’m so, so sorry.”
“You need to be careful. The world’s a dark place, a scary place, but for an omega, it's so much worse. I don’t want to see anything happen to you.”
“It won’t. I’m being careful, and I’m being smart.” I promise.
“You better be.” Lillian steps back, breaking my hold and swipes at her eyes. “Go on, get out of here while you can.”
“He’s gone?” I ask instead. I’m afraid if I talk, I might sit here until midnight spewing out all the thoughts that are plaguing me.
“Looks that way.”
I frown. “He doesn’t normally leave so easily.” I sit on the chair and put my notepad in my bag.
“Ah, well, it might have something to do with that.” Lillian points to the front of the library. I stand up, setting the book on the chair, and move to the glass wall. It’s scratched and filmy, but even with all that, I recognise them the moment I see the car. Pure black and sleek. It talks of wealth and power. A statement piece. And maybe the answer to my prayers.
My breath wheezes out of me. Hope flares inside. My hands shake, and a small whimper escapes me.
“I don’t need to warn you about them, do I?” Lillian asks. “For all I love those boys, they are a whole new level on Eli Samuels.”
I shake my head. “No, ma’am. I know what I’m doing.”
“I hope so, Missy, I really do. Good luck.”
I nod my head and watch as Lukas leans against his car, his legs crossed at the ankles, looking relaxed. I can’t see the other two, but I can almost feel them.
The hairs on my neck stand on end as I move to the doors and push them open.
I trot down the steps unconsciously, my eyes locked on the alpha in front of me. I see the moment he notices me, his body tightens, and his eyes flare before all reactions are locked down. But seeing it gives me a sense of power. They might be stronger than me, more dangerous, but I have something they want, something that they need.
It evens the playing field.
Sebastian falls into step beside me. I’m not surprised, but I wonder how such an immense man can move so quietly. I have to fight the urge to reach out and take his hand. Fight the urge to inhale just so I can finally catch his scent properly. He doesn’t say a word, he’s just this enormous wall of muscle and strength beside me. A giant blond Viking come to life. It shouldn’t comfort me, it really shouldn’t.
Darion appears from the pawnshop. His sunglasses hide his eyes, but I can feel his gaze on me. My stomach twists painfully. Nerves flare up, I tell myself it’s because of the threat in his aura, but my mind whispers ‘liar’ to me. I drop my gaze from him and find it pulled back to Lukas. White, shaggy hair cut to below his ears catches the wind, his pale green eyes narrow as he leisurely looks me up and down. I ignore him as best I can.
“Your ride, princess.” Lukas sneers and pulls open the back door of his car.
I stare at him and then the open door. If I do this, if I get in their car, there will be no coming back. I think of Trin, of my sisters, and I close the space between us and slide into the backseat in silence.
Seb gets in beside me, taking up what feels like all the space. His scent hits me. It’s rain after a drought. It’s the rain in the middle of summer. But in the mixed air, I smell fire, and something softer, darker.
Then the door closes, and I focus on not freaking out.
No matter how hard I try to memorise the route we take, I’m so distracted by the three alphas that I’m lost in moments. We pull into a warehouse in an area I don’t recognise but can tell doesn’t operate much anymore. The other buildings are all run down, there’s a burnt out car in the car park across the road. It’s empty and desolate, and I briefly wonder if they’ve brought me here to murder me.
I force my shoulders back and try to put on a shawl of confidence. I wonder if they can see my shawl is hanging in threads. As soon as the car stops, I explode out of it, needing air, above all things, air. I gulp it down and then try for calm, chill.
I lean my hip on the car door and wait for them to get out.
Fingers graze up the back of my arm, and I shiver. Why didn’t I put my jumper on? I turn and find Seb staring down at me. His gray eyes look like storm clouds. He looks like he’s trying to unravel who I am. Panic explodes in my stomach because all I can think about is leaning forward and lifting my chin to expose my neck to him. Submit to this alpha? Nope. Not today.
I raise an eyebrow. “Sup?” Did I really just say that? Oh, god, kill me now.
He snorts and steps back from me, effectively breaking the spell. I carefully exhale as slow as I can as he turns away. But then Lukas thrusts open his door and steps out. I glance at him and lick my lips nervously.