“I’m not the oldest. You were wrong.” I snap as Darion turns away. He glances back and frowns. “Your information about me was wrong.”

“It's cute you think I’d care.” Darion says dismissively.

I elbow Lukas hard and slip free of his reaching hands. “You should care. It was you she was going to meet when they took her.”

Darion freezes. The whole room freezes, the air turns chilly and crystallises, and I send a silent message to Trin for forgiveness.

“Help me.” I growl out. “Help me help them.”

He turns back to me, studying me now, looking for clues, looking for information he won’t find because Trin and I look nothing alike, and he never knew about me. I know because I overheard Trin tell him she was an only child. I never understood why she hid us from him, I assumed it was because we embarrassed her. Now that I'm older, I wonder if she was protecting us. I can’t ask her, though. I can’t bring back those memories.

Lukas growls and captures my wrist, grinding the bones hard. I whirl and jab him hard in the throat. He stumbles back, letting me go.

“Keep your hands to yourself, Alpha.”

Seb stands up and walks towards me. I might want to throw down and kick Lukas’ ass all day long, but Seb is my kryptonite. I back up a step, then another, but he keeps coming. I tremble as he gently lifts my chin so I can stare into his eyes.

“Who is your sister?”

“Trinity.” I whisper. “Ten years ago, my sister had a friend named Darion that she used to sneak out to meet. That’s who she told us she went to see.” I hope they can’t see through my lies. That’s what she told my family, but that’s not what she told me that night. The guilt threatens to strangle me. I’m sure they can smell it like a rotten aroma that hangs around me.

Darion whirls back to me, almost shoving Seb out of the way. He grips my upper arms painfully tight, and I try not to whimper, but the pain brings tears to my eyes. I try to blink them away, but they spill over.

“Trinity is alive?”

I struggle in his hold. “Yes.” I grit out.

“She’s back?”


For a moment, there’s wild joy, hope, and then it’s crushed by black fury. His fingers tighten even more, and even though I know he’s not aware of it, that whimper finally escapes and becomes a moan of pain. Seb pries him off me.

“She came back.” Darion growls.

“Kinda.” I yelp out, gasping and shocked by his intense reaction.

He turns and glares. “What does that mean?” He swipes his desk in his rage, and his belongings go flying. I try hard not to shake.

“Something happened. She’s not the same. She’s…different.”

He exhales and closes his eyes. When he opens them, he nods to himself like he’s made a decision. “I don’t care. I have to see her.”

“No!” I shout and launch myself at him. I put my hands on his chest, staring up at him. “No. She freaks out around anyone but family.”

“Get your hands off me.” He growls. I step back, removing my hands with care. “She won’t freak out around me. We’re friends.”

I snap my teeth together. “She will. She will be mad. Furious with me. Just, can you not?”

“Listen, Omega, Trin is one of my closest friends. I’m going to see her. I need to see her. She will be fine with me.”

I snarl, but he doesn’t listen. There’s some kind of childish hope in his eyes. Something that I don’t understand.

I glance at Seb.

“He needs to do this. Best just to let him.” Seb explains reluctantly.

I argue for another ten minutes but get nowhere. In protest, I fold my arms over my chest and retreat to the couch where Lukas is sitting and sit beside him.