“Great. Well, I’ll show her the ropes and set her up with a login and keep her busy.”

Lukas leaves, and this time, instead of sitting on the desk of the stunning woman who tries to get his attention, he glances back at me and then goes into the office and closes the door.

“All righty, what can you do?”

I blink at Ava. “Do?”

“Well, I’m a retired detective.” Ava leans in close, “This job pays better.”

I blink at her a few times. “How bad is public service?”

She chuckles and thumps my shoulder. “Hell on Earth, love. Now, what can you do?”

“Well, I almost finished a teacher’s degree, but I…well, I guess I am good at research.”

She nods her head. “Detail oriented?”

I nod.

“Good, that will help. Right, let me show you what we have going on. In two months, our elite team will be the chief security at Judge Nelson Fields Spring Gala. We got word this morning. It’s a monumental accomplishment. And, yes, I know that it’s winter, not spring, but his assistant said spring sounded better.”

“Isn’t he the man who is running for mayor next year?”

“He is. He also comes from old money. Everyone who's anyone is going to be there.”

I nod and watch as she brings up a photo of the man. He looks like an average man in his twilight years, with the exception of a large scar across his nose. I remember seeing him on TV, the news, and sometimes on bus stops before the gangs destroyed his face. His arm is around a woman I recognise.

“Who’s that?”

“Oh, that’s his daughter Madeline.”

I stare at the glamorous omega. She really is beautiful. And rich and famous. Darion’s words about her come back to me, and I suddenly understand what he meant.


“It is our job to check, vet, ensure that we know everyone who will be there, test the security equipment, ensure there are no plots to disrupt the Gala, protect the whole thing. On top of that, we will also ferry a very special client to the venue and from the venue.”

I worry my bottom lip. “How big of a deal is this contract?”

“Well, performing this contract will make or break their careers. If they fuck this up, it will destroy their reputation. If they pull it off, they will be in with all the rich and fabulous who require high end security.”

“Why aren’t the Fields using in house security?” I ask.

Ava gives me an appraising look. “That is a very good question. Apparently, there was some drama that unfolded, and the company was caught with their proverbial pants down.”

I snicker and then lean in closer over Ava’s shoulder to look at the map. “Are you responsible for the route the high end client takes?”

Ava nods. “The route, her safety, all of it.”

Her? Madeline’s face appears in my head, but I quickly dislodge it.

“So, my job and yours for today is to find the blueprints, go over the schematics, and ensure that we know the function of every room and the exits from the house, including all windows.”

My eyes light up, and I slide into the chair next to her.

Ava logs me onto the computer, and I focus, determined to make myself useful to the pack that has already done so much for me.

A paper bag and a plastic cup landing on my desk beside the computer tear a curse out of me.