I hesitate. “Can we go to the other house?”
Seb sits upright, while Lukas rolls so he can see my face.
“You want to go to the other house? The one with the nest? You like that one?”
I hesitate and then jerk my head in a nod.
“Done. We can leave tomorrow afternoon?” Seb checks with Darion and Lukas and nods.
I smile, relaxing. “Really?”
I’m so happy and relieved that when Seb hands me torn up bits of pastries, I don’t even complain. I lay back in Darion’s arms and watch the movie.
I wake up with all the heat and neediness almost gone. My head feels clear and scorching embarrassment overtakes my mind every time I even look at one of them.
Who even am I? I pace the rooftop, but even the icy air still can’t cool my super-heated cheeks as I remember the material and the organising of every little scrap of fabric. How I’d growled and bullied the alphas into their right spots.
“Why are you hiding?”
“I’m not hiding.” I throw at Darion but don’t turn around to face him because I can’t. I just can’t, I don’t know them. They are doing me a favour. They helped my family and saw me like that last night. Is there no end to my shame?
He pads closer to me, but I keep my eyes on the horizon.
“We have to go out today, just for a little while, and then we’re heading out. Will you be all right?”
“Okay, where are we going?” I say, paying only half my attention to what he’s actually saying.
“You’re staying here. It’s too dangerous this close to your heat.” Darion strokes his hand down my back.
I scowl. “Fine.”
“We won’t be long, maybe half an hour.”
“Hey, Missy?”
I reluctantly turn to him. He grips me by one wrist, pulling me in close, his other hand anchoring on my hip as he guides me back towards the wall. I gasp when my back hits it. His arms leave me to box me in.
“You’re running.”
I lift my chin. “Am not.”
“Are too. You think you don’t deserve this, any of this, it’s a dream, and you’re going to wake up and the people that you care about will hate you, and the successes you craved will be dust, everything will be gone, and your world will be bleak and barren again, and you will be alone.”
I lick my dry lips, trying to ignore the way slick has pooled in between my legs, ruining yet another pair of underwear. “How do you know that?”
“Because that’s how I feel.” He brushes his lips against mine. “Be my dream, and I’ll be yours, even if it’s just for one night.”
I shudder and find myself clutching his shirt, dragging him closer.
“Just a dream?” I can do that.