Darion leads us in, and the moment we pass through those glass doors, it’s like I’ve been transported to another world. I’m stunned into silence. There are eight chandeliers, the rails are gold, the carpet is soft under my heels, and the smells coming off the tables are incredible. White tablecloths hold an array of incredible food served on fancy weird-shaped plates and gold cutlery. While the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen sit in fancy dresses and suits, eating like dining is a dance. Everything glitters. It’s like a dream or an alternate reality.
Everywhere I turn, I’m captivated by something else that I need to look at. It’s amazing. Darion’s host leads us to a large table in the corner. The man bows politely. It’s such a strange thing to do that I barely notice Seb pulling out my chair and helping me sit. Seb sits on one side of me, while Lukas claims the other. I glance sideways at Darion, who smiles across the table.
Right, business. I turn towards the people and realise that they are sharks in human skins, and I’m just a drop of blood in their waters.
I eye the seven people sitting around the table and immediately bristle internally, preparing myself. They don’t look at Darion with genuine warmth, and they don’t acknowledge Seb at all. There is an older couple, perhaps in their fifties. The man’s eyes are glassy, and I wonder how much he’s had to drink. A couple opposite me are young and dressed in bright colours. She’s wearing the height of fashion, but I can tell they are going to have the biggest attitudes. The last couple are haughty and appear bored. The woman possessively keeps her two inch long nails on her escort’s arm. A last man, who appears to be alone, is relaxed, leaning back with a troubling twinkle in his eyes.
“I heard the rumours, but I didn’t think they were true. Madeline is going to be distraught.”
“Madeline knows our arrangement.” Darion says back evenly. “Mind your own pack business, Maddox.”
Who the fuck is Madeline?
“So this is?”
“This is our omega,” Darion says.
The man with the possessive woman has his hair slicked back but styled well. He’s got a cruel gleam in his eye and something sinister when he stares at my Lukas.
I reach out and touch my index finger under Lukas’ chin. He turns towards me when I add a bit of pressure and leans down for my kiss.
I smile at Lukas and then turn back demurely, glancing at Darion, expecting censure, but finding instead hunger and amusement that makes my stomach churn.
The young female leans forward across the table, her violet hair swinging and sporting the longest lashes I’ve ever seen. “Names,” she demands.
“Elsie, this is Missy. Missy, this is Elsie, her partner in crime, Gary Nester. They are representing Pack Holland. Wade and Marcy Goodmen from Pack Yield,” he points to the older couple. “Sam and Liz Hoight from Pack Hoight, and Maddox from Pack Zaird.”
“Nice to meet you all.” I murmur.
Lukas clamps his hand on mine and stares around the table in challenge.
“Seb, can you please order for me?” I murmur, touching his arm.
“Of course.”
I sit there quietly, speaking when I’m spoken to, but otherwise gleaning bits and pieces about how they operate. Darion is shrewd and knows how to appeal to their egos. He somehow convinces the three couples that having security is not just a needs basis, but also a statement. The conversation seems to be a dance between the eight of them, with Seb, Lukas, and myself unnecessary.
I try to focus on the meal, and though it is delicious, I don’t recognise three quarters of what’s on my plate. It’s only when the dessert comes out a whole seven courses and five hours later that I’m drawn back into the conversation.
“Have you met Madeline Fields, Missy?” Maddox asks. He raises his eyebrows and covers his mouth to hide a laugh.
I’m startled but shake it off quickly.
“I have not.”
“Well, this ought to be entertaining then,” Maddox murmurs.
My hackles go up, but it’s too late. A cloud of lavender engulfs us, and I choke and then let out a warning growl that I have to fight to suppress when this exotic woman wraps herself around Darion from behind. He doesn’t even fight her off, just laughs and pats her forearm.
It takes me a moment, but then I affect a bored but mildly interested expression. “Fascinating.”
She finally spots me and stands up, but she doesn’t remove her hand from his shoulder. Her dress barely covers her body, but she has a body to be envied; long, tanned limbs and curves that wouldn’t be amiss on a magazine. Her eyes are wide and this strange lavender shade of colour. Everything about her is just more. Her lips are plush and pillowy, her hair shimmers in the light with health, her nails are perfect claws of colour. She doesn’t look like anyone I’ve ever seen before.
And I feel like a grubby child caught playing with her toys.
I see the envy in her eyes. Right before she presses her breasts to his back and cuddles close.
“Babe, you didn’t tell me about this friend?” I say with a smile.