My strange stupor lasts until he’s parked the car and Darion has yanked me bodily from the vehicle.

“Do you mind?” I bark and snatch my arm free of his brutal hold. I pretend I’m annoyed, and it smarts, to hide the fact that my skin is tingling and my mouth is watering.

Fire. He’s the one that smells like fire. I close my eyes. I’m doomed.

He ignores me, turning to look around before heading across the car park in a direction I don’t like. I’ve never shopped at those shops, but I’ve heard of them. Expensive clothes, exclusive shops.

Seb takes my hand in his and pulls me along while Lukas bounces on some poor unsuspecting person’s car, setting off the alarm. I don’t even glance at Lukas. My jaw is tight, staring at Seb’s huge paw engulfing mine. I take a couple of steps, so I’m walking just behind him.

“It will be okay. All part of the job. You can sell them when we’re done.” Seb says.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“The clothes, you can keep them and sell them when our contract’s complete.”

“Oh, thanks.” I say absently. I’m still focused on the feeling of his hand on mine. His fingers are rough, calloused. I want to stop him and explore the texture and feel of them. My cheeks burn, and I try to subvert my attention.

“Do you like gifts, Missy?”

I peer up at him. “I uh, I don’t know.”

Seb’s face softens. I see his teeth flash in a smile. “Well, this will be interesting, then.”

He leads me into a small shop with clothes that just don’t seem to have a rational purpose. A mister sprays us as we walk in, and I startle.

“What was that?”

“Scent Neutralizer, so we don’t overwhelm the store and saturate the clothes in our scents.”

I turn to study the contraption. “That’s really neat.”

As we get deeper in the store, a soft, creamy scent of some rich, sweet smell floats around the store.

“What’s that scent?” I whisper.

“It’s one of the calming scents they have created to make omegas feel safe.”

I’m a little off put at the fact people have developed scents to manipulate instincts and now use them to increase their sales, but the rich are strange beasts.

Seb motions around. “What do you like?”

I peer up at him. “Jeans and t-shirts?”

Seb raises a hand and gently touches my cheek with his fingers. “Try on some of the clothes.”

I look around dubiously. “Uh, I’m not sure-“

A man approaches with a shirt and name tag on. There’s something unfriendly about him. He’s tall and thin with an enormous nose. I don’t know why it stands out, but it just strikes me as odd. But it’s the sneer that captures my attention. A sneer is such an ugly look, but on this man, it’s a special kind of foul.

He looks me up and down, and I feel like I’ve stripped naked, rolled in the dumpster down on the corner of West and Kingsley, the one full of Mateo’s offcuts from his butchery that reeks to high hell, and then come in to deliberately sully this poor mans day.

“You can’t come in here.”

“Why not?” Sebastian asks evenly and holds a dress up against me. “This will look great on you.”

I blush.

“We don’t cater to people like you. I can tell you don’t have the money. You come in here, and one of you will be stealing and ruining the clothes, while the others distract good people like me.”