“I’ll stab and run!” I roll over Muse and tickle her until she’s screaming. “Right, since we’re up, let’s play two truths and a lie.”
Trin snorts. “As long as it’s no serious stuff.”
“All fun stuff, I promise.”
Trin hesitates, but she creeps over to sit in the circle with us.
Elise and Muse laugh and giggle. Trin smiles a few times, and I forget that I’m an omega with an almost pack.
I creep into my bed of blankets on the floor and lay there staring up at the starless sky through my window. Everything changes tomorrow. Am I ready? Am I strong enough? I’m so worn down and stressed from everything that’s happened over the last few months. I feel ancient.
Pack Samuels was a good reminder of what I don’t want. I wonder if they would be a pack that would put a look in my eyes like Trins.
I roll onto my back and stare at the peeling paint.
Trin pads across the room and lays down beside me. She reaches out her hand, finding mine, and squeezes.
“Me too,” I say back around a lump in my throat.
“Don’t be scared, Missy. You’re the bravest of us all. You have this ability to see people, to be okay on your own or in a crowd. You can fight back. If anyone can handle whatever is coming, I know that it’s you.”
I stare at her, and then I say the words, the reality that scares me more than being poor, more than being homeless, more than being shunned.
“I’m an omega, Trin.”
“I know, baby sister, and I’m so sorry for that. So sorry. But you remember, you’re a Clark first.”
Trin says nothing when I start to cry. She just moves closer and holds me until I fall asleep.
Darion thrusts the contract into my hands as soon as I slide into the back of their SUV the next morning.
“Hi, good to see you again. How’d you sleep?” I say to myself.
Seb and Darion look out the window while Lukas leans away from me, but stretches his legs in my direction. I’m not sure how it is he’s managing to take up three quarters of the back seat, but it’s impressive. I inhale his scent discreetly and half smile as I read through the contract.
I sign with a flourish and pause.
“What's wrong?” Seb asks in concern.
“I’m waiting for lightning to strike me down.” I reply.
Lukas snorts and sits up, snatching the paperwork out of my hands and dumping it in the front on Darion’s lap.
“Why Raptore?” I ask idly, trying to ignore Lukas and the way he’s watching me.
“What?” Darion asks. He puts the contract in a leather binding and starts the car.
“Why did you name yourselves Raptore?”
“Because our fathers are all drunk, miserable pieces of shit, and we needed a name that could strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. We are the hunters. Thugs. Criminals.” Lukas answers instead.
I stare at him. “You’re not scaring me.”