Trin slams open the screen door and storms out. Her shoulder length black hair flying like a banner of war. “You keep telling yourself that. You know them. They’ll treat you right. They are yours. Until it all goes wrong. Don’t do this, Missy. Please.”
I exhale roughly and close my eyes. “I am an omega. I don’t have a choice in what I am, but I can choose my damn poison. And I choose them.” My words come out louder than a gunshot.
Elise and Trin flinch while Muse cries in thin wails. Trin and I lock glares and hold, each trying to press our will on the other. Trin’s clear blue eyes break away from me first. She wraps her arms around herself. Conceding defeat.
I wish I could enjoy the win.
The sun is fading, leaving just the dirt and crispy brown grass, but this is the time when our world comes alive. I can already hear cars smoking up rubber on the streets, sirens chasing delinquents. The laughter of the men gathering in their gangs and menacing packs.
I glance up when the screen door opens. My mother comes out onto the porch. Our eyes meet in the shadows, her lip curls in a sneer. She lifts her phone up to her ear and talks low into it, her eyes tracking my every movement. When did she start to hate me? I can’t pinpoint the moment, but I know it’s been years of walking on eggshells. I dread the sound of her feet walking across the floorboards, the smell of her tobacco, the sound of her whining.
“I need to get out of here. I’ll be back soon.” I mutter as I look away from Margo. I have trouble in times like this calling her mother. She doesn’t feel like family, she feels like hell on Earth.
Muse tries to grab for me, but I dodge her seeking hands.
I stalk to the back fence, ducking down, squeezing through the rotten wood panels. The walk through our neighbourhood until I reach another safer park is rife with danger. My skin crawls, even in the park. I climb the old swing to the top. The actual swing and chains are long gone, but the frame is here. It’s high enough to give me a sense of escape. Just enough. When things go wrong, for me, it’s safer to be high. No one looks up when they are yelling and screaming. No one looks up when they are smashing the house up. No one looks up when they tell secrets and destroy lives.
The heat of the day is gone, and the wind that was warm is turning chilly. I go over the last few days, all the choices that have led me here, and I wonder if at some point I should have picked a different path, but this is the strongest path of success. Perhaps not for me, but for Trin, Elise, and Muse. Those alphas can provide what I cannot.
My sister's opinions on my decisions hurt. I keep telling myself they don’t understand; they are too young; they are betas, but it hurts. I never wanted this. I enjoyed being invisible.
Those alphas are going to ruin me. I can see it. Them, my sisters, this world, my father, but especially my mother. We’re two territorial bitches circling the same space. I hate the hostility; I don’t understand it, and I don’t know what I did to cause it, but I can’t escape it. My mother hates me, and to be honest, I hate her.
I slip off the swing, landing lightly. I cut a diagonal path through the park, listening to the grass crunch under my shoes. It’s getting dark when I hear a sound and turn just in time to see Tray from Pack Samuels baring down on me.
I roll my eyes and palm my knife.
“Hey, Darlin’. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
I shake my head, smiling with bitter irony as the universe tries once again to kick me in the teeth. “Have you?”
“Yeah, of course, I have. We’re going to dinner.”
I snort and keep walking. “Pass. Night, Tray.”
He steps in front of me, preventing me from walking. Tray is handsome, and he knows it. Where Eli is dumb, this guy would be smart, except he funnels that all into his looks and himself. His mama must’ve spent a fortune on hair products for him. He’s the poster boy for spoilt man child with the sex appeal of a wet fish.
“I heard you were out with those tossers from Pack Raptore.”
I shrug. “You heard right.”
“They don’t want an omega,” he says forcefully, stepping into my space.
I side-step his reaching hand and glare at him. “It’s not your business.”
“I care about you. That makes you my business. We’ve known each other all our lives. We all went to school with you. Those alphas are strangers and bad news. They don’t want an Omega, they just want to fuck around. Come to our pack. We will treat you so good.” The end of that statement comes out in a low rasp that I think is supposed to be sexy but drastically misses the mark.
He’s looming, and the scent of rubbing alcohol makes my nose burn.
“Uh-huh.” I step back and discreetly rub my nose.
“We want you. You’ve got an amazing figure. Great hips, you’re spicy as fuck.” He grins like he’s just given me the world’s best compliment instead of what amounts to a ‘fuck you’ insult.
I have to get home.A hand lands heavily on my shoulder and spins me back.
“Let me go.” I snarl. “I won’t ever be yours.”
His face darkens, he leans in closer, and the fear that had me searching the city for worthy alphas returns. His touch repulses me, making my skin crawl, his breath makes me gag, but his fingers are digging into my shoulders, refusing to let me go.