Page 43 of Wilde & Shore

She ended the call and inched closer, lifting onto her toes. After a quick kiss she grinned. “My mother believes that I’ve lost my mind.”

I chuckled. “Have you?”


I lifted Shore and she wrapped her legs around my waist while I carried her to one of the hay bales and sat with her on my lap. “What did she say?”

“Well after she demanded that I give her a sign that only she could decipher if I was being held against my will or at gunpoint, she said that none of this made sense. I was acting erratically, behaving out of character, and I needed to think about what I was doing.”

“All valid points,” I muttered.

“They are but it’s my life and not hers. She also agreed and said she didn’t like any of what I was doing, but I was an adult and could make my own decisions. She told me we would revisit my midlife crisis after Christmas. I’m only thirty-four so I’m not sure how this classifies as a midlife crisis but she’s hoping by then I would have found my mind again sinceclearlyI’ve lost it.” She grinned and shrugged. “Considering what I just dumped on her, she has the right to think I’ve lost my mind. I didn’t argue. I just agreed to review the topic at a later date.”

“And when you do…”

Are you going to change your mind?

“When I do, I stand firm on the decisions I’ve made. Unless you’ve changed your mind about this or us?”

“Not on your fucking life.” I spoke through a smile before my mouth clashed with hers.

“Okay then, Cowboy, looks like you’re gonna be stuck with me for a while.”

“I’m all in with being stuck with you, Boston. You’ll get not one damn complaint from me.”


“What did you do to our mother?” There was a hint of amusement in my sister’s voice which had a smile on my face when I answered.

“I didn’t do anything to her, why?”

“She’s on her second bottle of wine and keeps glaring at me, mumbling that I ruined you.”

I laughed, rolling my eyes. “She’s blamingyoufor my decision to stay here?”

“Pretty much.”

“Good, you deserve their scrutiny. I’ve been suffering through it for years.”

“Whatever, andherscrutiny nottheirs. Dad keeps telling her to get over it. He also told her it could be so much worse and to be grateful you’re not joining a cult or something crazy like that.”

I barked a laugh. “Why the fuck would I join a cult and why would he say that?”

“I don’t know, you’ve got both of them acting out but he’s not mad. Neither is she. She’s just not used to you disrupting the balance of our family. Causing chaos is usually my job.”

I agreed by nodding, even though she couldn’t see me. I thought about the text I received from my dad not long after the call with my mother.

If this is what makes you happy then we support your decision. Just promise me you’re safe and that we’ll meet this man who had the gall to go toe to toe with your mother sooner rather than later.

Nobody challenged my mother which led me to believe that my dad already liked Wilde for doing so. My mother was a lot and not many could stand their ground with her. I was living proof of that.

“Well, it looks like we’re both rebels now. I sort of like being disruptive and honestly they both took it a lot better than I thought. I should have made this decision years ago.”

“I will have to disagree. If you had then you wouldn’t be hiding out in cowboy heaven and you wouldn’t have met Wilde. Things happen when they’re supposed to Shore.”

“I guess you’re right.”

My eyes flicked over to Wilde standing in the kitchen also on a call, but doing more nodding, mmhming, and grunting than he was talking. Made sense being that it was Melvina on his line.