Page 37 of Wilde & Shore

Shore jumped at my intrusion and yanked the shirt she had just pulled off her body close to her chest. “Shit, you scared me. Is something wrong?” She smiled and tossed the shirt but her smile dropped when she searched my face.

“Depends on what you want?”

Her brows furrowed. “Huh?”

“I just heard you telling somebody you were ready to get back to your life and you knew what you wanted. What do you want,Shore,and is it here or back in Boston?”

Her eyes narrowed and I added. “I shouldn’t have been listening to your call and I would apologize but I really don’t give a damn about your privacy right now. What I do care about is if riding a cowboy was some kinda twisted fantasy or if you enjoyed riding this cowboy and wanted it to be more than a one-time thing.”

She smiled slowly, placing her hands on her hips which brought my eyes down her body enjoying the view until she spoke. “Technically I didn’t get to ride my cowboy, he rode me and damn good I might add so I haven’t experienced the pleasure of that rodeo. Are you offering?”

My dick steeled on demand but I managed to stay focused. “You know what I’m asking, Boston. Was last night just something to check off your bucket list?”

I angled my head to the side, waiting. If she said eyes, I wasn’t sure how I was gonna take the news. At the moment I was mentally processing how quickly I could get undressed to provide her with enough orgasms to consider staying longer than she originally planned but that wasn’t logical nor did I want sex to be the reason she elected to be here.

“I kinda like it here and was thinking about hanging around for a while.” She walked up to me and lifted onto her toes, looping her arms around my neck, tugging me down to where she had access to my mouth. Her lips ghosted across mine. “I like you too,Cowboy,and it wouldn’t be so bad to get to know you a little better.”

My hands landed on her hips and I pulled her into me. “You already know everything there is to know about me, Boston.”

“No, I don’t.”

I grinned and brushed my mouth over hers. “Yeah you do. I’m a simple man. I love my ranch, my horses, and my family. There’s not much else that matters other than adding you to that list.”

She grinned slowly but I kissed her before the smile fully formed. “Then I’d like to stay.”

“Alright then take your shower and I’ll finish getting this stuff out so you can handle that tree.” I kissed her once more and backed out the room, enjoying my last peek at all her curves cause that ass was noteworthy. In fact, my mind was already on what that ass would look like while I had her bent over something, fucking her from behind.

I was tempted to say fuck that tree but it was important to Shore and I had no desire to explain to Melvina the reason why Shore didn’t get Christmas was because I couldn’t keep my dick out of her.

Yeah, that wasn’t a conversation I planned on having, so just before closing her in the room, I demanded one last time, “Make sure you don’t leave this room without pants on, Boston.”

I heard her laugh just as the door clicked and wouldn’t be surprised if she skipped the pants just to test my restraint. I had no problems letting her persuade me to buckle under pressure.


“Let it Snow” by Boyz II Men was playing softly through the wall speakers while I stood in front of the tree I’d just finished decorating. There were also twinkly lights lining the mantle of the fireplace, loosely tacked in random spots on the walls and lazily draped around the coffee table and matching end tables.

It was tacky and had no rhyme or reason to the designs, but I loved every single decoration.

I glanced over my shoulder at Wilde who had not too long ago rejoined me. After hanging lights, he dipped off to shower and get comfortable after grilling fish for our dinner out on the massive deck attached to the rear of his house.

We ate, then I decorated what was left of the tree. Overloading his open floor plan with all the decorations I found in the boxes his mother had packed away had literally taken hours. We stopped for a quick lunch of sandwiches and chips that I prepared then I worked hard for the next couple hours, only pausing for dinner.

An entire day of decorating while Christmas music played as background noise was exactly what I needed. Most of the songs were on their third and fourth rotation but I didn’t mind. I loved every chaotic moment of the entire process.

“This is so perfect.”

His eyes circled the room and landed back on me before they moved past me to the massive tree. “My mother would die a slow painful death if she had to witness all this.”

I frowned, turning back toward the tree before my eyes were on him again. “You don’t like it.”

“I love it, Boston, but she would absolutely hate it. This isn’t her style.”

I grinned and walked to Wilde, climbing into his lap so my knees pressed into the sofa. His hands moved to my hips and around to my ass, settling there. “It’s her stuff. How could she not like it?”

“I wouldn’t believe it was hers if I hadn’t seen you taking it out the boxes with my own eyes. The way you have it all organized is nothing like she would have done.”

I placed my hands on the back of the sofa next to his head, leaning in so close I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face. “Well I like it and you better like it too, because I worked hard.”