Page 40 of Wilde & Shore

I lowered my gaze to the stack of bright red pancakes which were topped with whipped cream and a little replica of Santa placed on top. It was made with a grape, banana and strawberry for the hat. The pile of eggs beside the Santa cakes were green and so was the milk. My stomach twisted in concern at the thought of what I was about to eat, because I was eating every damn bite even if I ended up at Doc Hanson’s office at some point today.

“I had what you needed to make all this?”

She shrugged. “The food yes and I found some food coloring in one of your cabinets. Might have been a little out of date but it’s just dye so I don’t think it will kill us.”

I barked a laugh, lowering my eyes to Shore. “You might want to search that on the internet before we eat any of this.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, Cowboy, you’re not afraid of a little food coloring, are you? I’ve seen you face off against a bear and a wild horse. This should be easy breezy. You also live on a ranch. This thing should be ironclad.”

She slapped her palm over my stomach which was bare since I wasn’t wearing a shirt. The warmth of her fingers and proximity had my dick eager for Shore to move that hand a little lower.

“I’m going to give this a try but if it goes wrong…”

“It won’t.” She grinned, pointing to the chair across from the one she flopped onto. “Sit, let’s eat.”

I did as demanded, settled across from Shore and after a quick blessing I shoved a fork into my eggs and slowly brought them to my mouth. She waited with an enthused grin until I had a mouthful.

“Good, right?”

“It’s green eggs,” I teased and took another forkful.

“Such a hater. This is the best Christmas breakfast you’ll ever experience. I want a happy plate too.”

I chuckled at her enthusiasm. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Breakfast was easy. We ate, Shore did most of the talking, then cleaned up the kitchen so I could take her for a ride I had been promising since she’d been here. We made it down to the stables and while I saddled up Kolby, Shore watched from nearby. Once I was done I pointed to three other horses in the stables.

“You can pick either one of those. They’ll be a good fit since they’re older and used to new riders.”

She frowned and shook her head. “I was thinking maybe I could just ride with you today.”

I smirked and glanced at the panicked look on her face. “You don’t wanna learn to ride?”

“I do but maybe another time. Can’t I fit up there with you?”

“Yeah you can. Come on.”

I grabbed the reins for Kolby and guided him from the stables. Once we were near the paddock I pointed to the stirrups. “Put your foot in there, press down, and lift up. Swing your leg over the saddle and keep your legs wide. If you press his side, he’s gonna think you want him to move.”

“Wait, you wantmeto get up therefirst?”

“You’re riding in front. That’s how it has to happen.”

Her expression dropped when she glanced at Kolby then back to me. I chuckled and tapped her side. “I’ll hold ’em steady. He’s not going anywhere without me and as soon as you’re up there, I’ll be right behind you.”

“Okay but if he runs…”

“He won’t. You gotta trust me.”

It took a few tries to get her settled in the saddle then I found my place behind her. Our seating in the saddle was intimate as hell and once again my dick was hard thanks to her ass brushing up against it. This was going to be a painfully long ride. I lifted the reins up over the saddle horn and eased one arm around Shore’s waist giving a gentle kick to Kolby’s side and a click of my tongue as a verbal command for him to get moving.

Once we were on the trail, Shore glanced over her shoulder with a slight frown marring her pretty face. “This feels weird. Like I’m not doing it right.”

“You have to relax into the horse’s rhythm. When he bounces up, lift from the saddle and when he lowers, settle into it. Riding’s all about rhythm, being in sync with the horse’s movements.”

“So pretty much like sex.”

“Fuck no,” I belted out and laughed. “Not even close.”