Page 30 of We Three Kings

I grabbed his arm harder. “It’s where I fell in love with him.”

“Took you two years,” Arthur said under his breath.

Frederick shot him a glare.

“What?” he murmured. “It’s true.”

I laughed with everyone else.

“So here we gather, now, Zautland, would you like to see the last clue, the rest are saved for the next few Christmases, but this last one, in his will, was this.”

He handed over a piece of paper.

Slowly, Zautland took it into his hand and unfolded it, a small key fell out, I grasped it as he read the letter.


I gave you my best. We tried our hardest. I hoped for this moment. Please, turn around and be happy, but before that, know we loved you, we did what was best to save the Kingdoms but also to save our son. I know you look like me, I pray for it, I know you’ll rule like me, the same way you’ve probably read my journals, the same way you’re most likely standing in the cabin, trust me we have more secrets for you but for now… enjoy your life with your new bride and please, live well. Make the sandwich in the kitchen. Love your wife. Make mistakes. Make decisions. Don’t make work your life. In the end, make life your work. Make LIFE work. Keep her by your side. You always need a person there, doing all the things we idiots can’t do. We are so proud of you. Proud of your cousins. You will rule well with them by your side. And if you ever need a little help, I have a few more journals for you. I do like words and games. Merry Christmas my boy, oh and give this to my grandbaby, whoever they may be, they might need this for the cabin one day too, we can’t let traditions die. Let them know what they are born of and what we keep. I love you. And never forget to make sandwiches.”


Your Father, The late King.

Chapter Ten


I got married just like that.

And just like that, everyone left one by one.

Until the three kings.

All of us were left while Samira went to get changed out of her dress with her maid.

I sat on the couch and stared into the fire. “So you guys knew?”

Arthur glanced up at the ceiling. “Oh look, a smudge, think I might grab more wine.”

Frederick just sat motionless. “I wasn’t sure.”

“Of me?”

“Of you both coming through. I wanted it for you, I wanted it for both of you, to find true love, but at one point…” He hesitated. “I hate to say this, but I finally thought, why not me? Not for the Kingship of all the countries but her, because she fights and I like that fight and I realized my entire life I’ve been sitting in the dark, you know? Just wanting to fight but getting tired thinking about it until someone rises from the ashes and says, I’ll take the throne, I’ll take the final blow, I’ll do it. And that person was you. I was jealous for a few days. I was jealous after that kiss, and then hearing about the cabin, rescuing you guys, seeing you.” He tossed back more whiskey and shook his head. “I’m not a good friend.”


“Because I still don’t like it.”

“It’s okay that you don’t, you could always stand up at the formal wedding and scream no!”

He shook his head. “Yes, that would be out of character, wouldn’t it?”

“Heads may roll.”

He sighed. “The heart wants what it wants and sometimes the heart is a beat too late.”

I closed my eyes. “And sometimes, it’s not because you were late, but waiting for something else, someone else.”