Page 5 of We Three Kings

They’d wanted me on the throne.

We were at peace.

But I had to wonder how long that would actually last.

Furthermore, I didn’t want a princess by my side anyway—I wanted a warrior willing to fight to the death who carried a sword that didn’t belong via her tongue, so maybe her proving she wasn’t worthy was a good thing.

Maybe a broken engagement was what we needed in order to move forward, though amusing, she may just accomplish it.

“Fine.” Samira snapped and shoved Frederick’s arm back so hard that I swore you could hear it reverberate through the room, tear the curtains down, toss the furniture and cause a tsunami.

His shock matched mine as she wrapped her arms around his neck, jumped against him, kicked off her heels, and kissed him square on the mouth like it was their typical routine.

His arms went wide like he wasn’t sure if she should keep her close or shove her away in sheer panic, she deepened the kiss and parted her lips. I saw everything in slow motion, the way her hands dug into his hair, the way she wrapped her body around his.

What man could say no to that?

RIP Frederick.

He paused and then, as any human would with a gorgeous woman in their arms, wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss.

And that was it.

The end.

There was no applause, no cheer, just me shrugging and wishing them a great well being.

They were still kissing when I walked out of the room.

They were probably still kissing when I whispered under my breath, “My congratulations to the happy couple.”

And they were probably still kissing when I went into my isolated room on the top floor and sat on my bed.

I missed my adopted family.

I missed my sister.

I had nobody really that I trusted other than my two cousins and now I had a broken engagement I had to explain to everyone in the monarchy.

But I didn’t want someone who didn’t want me, crown or not, there were things you fought for in life.

Love was one of them.

And asking her to love me in such a short time? Impossible. Asking her to stand by my side and fight? Even more so.

One day, I’d find a warrior queen.

One day.

Until then… “Cheers. Keep her happy, Frederick.”

Chapter Three


He was kissing me back—and it was good, it was really good. I clung to him as he spun me against the wall and pressed himself up against me, the book dropped from his hands with a thud against the ground.

I had no clue the guy even knew how to kiss, let alone seduce someone. His hands dug into my hair, pulling the diamond pins from it, dropping them to the floor. I had no time to even be upset when he lifted me against him, wrapping my legs around him. “Is this it? Is this what you wanted?” I nodded my head even though something felt wrong inside my chest. “A show?”