Page 17 of We Three Kings

I started walking over when Frederick snapped out. “Samira can ride with me, protect the King Arthur, while I protect the new queen.”

Was that a dig?

Even Rupert gave me a funny look while I waited for some sort of choice where Samira would say it was fine, that she could ride with me.

Instead, she took his outstretched helmet.

Technically, he wasn’t wrong. It was protocol for the next king in line to the throne to protect the King while the other two flanked the King.

I waited still though.

Damn protocol.

Was the old princess back now? Was the softness gone?

I slammed my helmet on my head and took off without looking back, pissed and hurt.

Arthur and Rupert as I’d rightly assumed flanked my sides while Frederick kept up through the back, and when we got about a half hour into our trip by the palace, we had twenty other snowmobiles come from all sides and ride with us the rest of the way to the palace.

When we got there, I jumped off. I’d like to think I was calm when I tossed my helmet to the ground, but calm I was not.

I knew I was throwing somewhat of a tantrum but, what the hell was my friend doing? He was my cousin! My friend! He’d been everything to me and he knew how much I hated protocol, I let him kiss her! I gave up!

“Er, um, Sire,” Rupert tried to keep up with me. “We only have a few days until the wedding feast, and we also have the engagement ball tomorrow evening to attend to, a warm bath has been drawn for you—”

“—Got it. Thank you.” I stopped walking so fast and turned to him. “Thank you, I appreciate it. Make sure Samira has a heated bath and make sure she rests the rest of the day, we don’t want the future queen getting sick.”

“Oh yes, and…” Rupert again stumbled after me. “There is the matter of picking out her final ring, do you know what you want to give her?”

The rings weren’t here.

My mom’s went missing after the coup. “I’ll figure it out, please excuse me.”

I moved fluidly through the castle as people bowed and whispered, I’m sure the very minute we arrived they already knew we spent the night alone and didn’t return, just like the very minute the queen’s room was being prepared for the new queen the whispering started.

I’m sure they think I seduced her.

Threatened her.

Didn’t almost burst into tears with her, who would ever? I kept my head high as I marched into my room and shut the door, leaning against it. I’d gained a queen, but at what cost?

I ripped off all of my winter clothing, chucked it onto the floor, and then walked naked into the bathroom. The heated tiles under my feet did nothing to help me forget what it was like being in her arms, her warmth, and my body was having a hard time forgetting.

I stepped into the bath and leaned back in a stupid attempt to relax, then splashed water over the edge, trying to suddenly sit up. What if Frederick had just been biding his time? What if there was another coup, another murder? I was told to trust no one, but he didn’t want it, he had his own country, there was no damn way he wanted to be the head ruler over all three.

No way.

But hadn’t my dad’s distant cousin tried the same?

My head started to ache all over again while my mind went crazy with possibilities. The bathroom door suddenly shoved open. It was Samira, and she looked pissed if her narrowed eyes and the hands on her hips were any indicator. “My room is ready? MY ROOM IS READY?”

I squeezed my eyes shut, so I didn’t see her fierce anger and beauty in one tempting picture. “I don’t understand the question, princess, and as you can see, I’m bathing.”

“Oh, back to that, huh!” Her tiny fists were clutched at her sides, she was wearing house slippers, the leggings from beneath the snowsuit and a tight black tank top. “I can’t believe you would just announce that in the entryway! People are going to think—”

“—What, what do you think they’re going to think? We were stranded, we can’t control the weather any more than you can control your temper.” I finished the last sentence with a grin, then got a splash of water to my face all before she looked down, swallowed, and finally realized not only was I fully naked but she’d just splashed my own bath water on me. She backed up briefly.

I tilted my head. “What? That’s what gets you to stop yelling?”