Page 3 of Winter's Daddy

Thanks to Gerald and Maude, I was set up to succeed. I got enough scholarships to cover my tuition, books, and dorm room. It didn’t take long for me to realize that dorm life wasn’t for me. Sharing my space with a stranger was uncomfortable, and there were parties every night. I only stayed one semester before I found my small apartment. It’s not in the best neighborhood and might be falling apart, but it’s mine.

Gerald and Maude gave me a generous allowance that helped pay the bills while I was in school. It felt wrong to take their money after everything they had done for me, so I took the job at Lush to pay my own way when I got into the master’s program. They were so proud of me for making my own way. It gave me a sense of accomplishment that no math trophy could.

Thinking about Gerald and Maude always makes me sad. They died three summers ago in a boating accident. It broke my heart to lose the only people in the world who cared for me. I wasn’t surprised to learn that they left everything to Maude’s sister. I wasn’t really family. Just someone they took in to fill an empty spot in their lives. I know they loved me as much as I loved them, but it doesn’t change the fact that I wasn’t really family.

Maude’s sister never liked me and made it clear that I was no longer welcome. After the funeral, she gave me twenty-four hours to collect anything of mine I had left behind when I went away to school. It only took me ten minutes to pack up the few things I had and load up my crappy car. I drove away from the only place I could really call home for the last time with tears in my eyes. I’ve been alone ever since.

Mike is the closest thing I have to a friend, and we don’t hang out outside of work. The people I met in college were barely acquaintances. Study groups that I would have preferred to avoid altogether but were heavily encouraged by my professors were as close as I got to having friends. I’m not good with people. That is probably why Lawrence Tech picked Charles over me.

Mike waves bye as he climbs into his car. It’s fancy and way out of my price range. It’s also one of the many gifts his dad has given him to try and buy his love. If only my parents would show up and shower me with expensive gifts. Not that I’d take them. I want nothing to do with the people who abandoned me. I’d rather drive my old beater until it dies.

The door squeaks when I open it letting the whole world know that my car is a piece of crap. I slide onto the cracked leather seat and do my best to imagine what the car used to be. Back in the day, this car was a true gem—a 1974 Chevy Nova. Now, it’s a sad reminder of days gone by. I shove the key into the ignition and pump the gas twice before twisting the key.

Nothing happens.

Well, something happens. The car makes an ominous clicking sound. I try it again and again with the same result. I knew my car wouldn’t last forever, but I’m in no position to deal with repair bills right now.

Damn it.

I bang my head on the steering wheel while my mind runs a million miles a minute, trying to figure out what to do now. My apartment is too far to walk, and the nearest bus stop is two blocks away. I’ll freeze before I make it there, and I have no idea how long I’ll have to wait for the next bus. I could call a cab… my tips were good tonight. I was excited to know I could splurge on something other than ramen, but that won’t be happening now.

I’m mid-breakdown when there is a knock on my window. I let out a scream and nearly jump out of my skin. My heart races out of control because I’m alone at night, and someone is knocking on my car window. Maybe Mike came back for some reason. The knock comes again, and I finally look.

Nope. Not Mike.

A large figure looms over my car. It’s obviously a man, but I can’t see who because his face is in shadow. I’m trying to debate what I should do when he leans in, and his face comes into view… it’s the handsome hero that rescued me from the lap of that asshole customer. Instantly, I’m at ease. Logically, I should still be afraid; he’s a strange man loitering around in the dark parking lot of a bar, but I’m not scared. In fact, I’m relieved.

Any sane person would crack their window when approached by a strange man in a dark parking lot, but mine is broken, so I slowly push open my door. The loud squeal the door makes is almost as embarrassing as being stranded by the piece of crap.

“You okay, sweets?” The deep rumble of his voice is just as sexy as I remembered. It would make the strongest woman swoon, and I’m not that strong.

“I’m fine. My car, not so much.”

He looks me up and down like he’s trying to decide for himself if I’m okay. He frowns, probably noting my coat isn’t up to snuff, but must decide I’m okay enough because he gives a firm nod.

“Pop the hood.”

A lot of girls these days wouldn’t know how to do that, but I’ve been dumping quarts of oil in this thing every week for at least a year. I quickly pop the hood for him, and it squeals even louder than my car door when he lifts it. He pokes around for a minute, mumbling to himself.

“Start it up.”

I turn the ignition, and the same clicking noise fills the air. The hood slams down when he closes it, causing me to jump. His look lets me know that whatever is wrong with my car isn’t good. It tells me I’ll be lucky to enjoy ramen for the rest of the month.

“Do you know what’s wrong with it?” I ask with a fair amount of dread.

“It’d be easier to tell you what’s right with it,” he says with disgust.

It makes me bristle. How dare he judge me for having a crappy car. I’m doing the best I can with what I earn here at Lush until I find a company to hire me. Excuse me for picking a roof over my head over having a newer car.

“You don’t have to be a jerk about it.”

He sighs and drags a hand down his face in obvious exasperation. “The alternator is shot which is why it won’t start.”

“Thanks for looking at it.”

The wind picks up, and I shiver as it blows straight through my thin coat. His frown deepens. I’m shocked when he removes his leather coat and wraps it around my shoulders. It’s warm with his body heat and smells of leather and some kind of spicy cologne. Is it possible to be turned on by a scent? If it is, I definitely am. Or maybe it’s just this man. He screams sex appeal. A nun would have a hard time denying how attractive he is.

“Come on. I’ll give you a ride home.”