Page 17 of Ruined

“David?” Claire’s voice raises an octave. “You mean the guy you—”

“Slept with? Yeah.” I cut her off before she can say something likelost your virginity to, which is the last fucking thing I want David to know. “We—”

David’s fingers slip between my folds, and I see the satisfied smile that spreads over his face when he feels how wet I am for him. I have the sudden urge to slap it away, as his fingers slide down to my entrance, circling but not slipping inside the way I so desperately want them to.

“Oh, I know what you did.” Claire laughs. “Good for you. Are you still coming to the pool? I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t—”

It’s hard to focus on what she’s saying. David’s fingers are everywhere except where I need them to be—sliding to just beneath my swollen, aching clit, down to my entrance, over my soft folds, but nowhere that would actually give me the pleasure I so desperately want. It’s taking everything in me to try to sound normal—tobreathenormally, to not moan every time his fingers slide against my drenched pussy, and I clench my teeth.

I want to stay here, in bed with him. I want his tongue on me again. I want his cock inside of me. I want to get fucked, and I want him to be the one to do it. That’s what he wants too, I’m sure of it, but I also know he intends to be as maddeningly in control of the entire situation as he possibly can be—and he’s already given me the instructions he wants me to carry out.

Which makes me want to do the exact opposite, and tell Claire I won’t be making it to the pool.

Remember what happens if you disobey.I can feel the jerk of the invisible leash he has on me, and Ihatethe way it makes me clench and throb, the hot ache that spreads through me at the idea of being so utterly manipulated and controlled. It makes me briefly hatehim—at the same time, I want him more than I’ve wanted anyone else I’ve met or flirted with so far.

“No, I’m coming.” I hear David’s chuckle as I say it, the smirk on his face at the double entendre that I know is going through his head. “I have a bikini and sunscreen in my bag; you don’t need to grab anything for me. I’ll be on my way in just a few minutes.”

“Okay. Just text me when you get here.” Claire’s voice is breezy and light, and when she hangs up, I let out a breath of relief that she didn’t seem to realize that anything is wrong.

“You’re not going to come yet.” David’s lips twitch in that infuriating smirk as he rubs me once more, letting his fingertipsjustgraze my clit. And then he takes his fingers away, tugging my panties back into place before he lifts me up off of his lap and sets me to one side. He’s hard again, his cock pressed against the front of his trousers, but he maneuvers himself back into his fly and zips up as if it doesn’t matter to him a bit.

“I’m just going to go get changed,” he says, standing up. “You should do the same. And then I’ll have my driver take us.” He smiles at me, and I can’t resist looking at the outline of his cock as he stands, pressing against his fly. It seems ridiculous to me for us to both be frustrated when I’m right here and willing, and infuriated that I know he’s doing it on principle.

That smirk passes over his mouth again, and I know he can see all of my thoughts on my face.

“This is going to be quite a week for us both, Amalie,” he says softly, bending to kiss me lightly, his fingers grazing lightly over my lips as he pulls away. I can taste myself on his fingertips. “I’m looking forward to it.”

As he walks away, it’s hard for me to pretend that I’m not, too.

At least a little bit.

I can tell, when we get to the pool, that Claire has questions. But David doesn’t leave my side long enough for her to ask me any of them, not until I go to the ladies’ room and she follows me. She wastes no time the second we’re alone, her eyes bright with that eagerness that I know means she’s going to demand every bit of information she can get.

“So, are you athingnow? I mean—while you’re here, anyway. Is it just him for the next few days until we leave? I can’t blame you—he’s gorgeous.”

“Well—” I nibble at my lower lip anxiously. “That’s the thing. I’m actually staying an extra week. And I’m—he asked me to stay with him. At his penthouse. Starting tonight.”

I can see the mixture of glee and disappointment in Claire’s face. “Shit,” she breathes. “Well—is that what you want to do? I mean, our girl time in the evenings is fun—it’s part of the vacation. But if it was me, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same. He has apenthouse?”

I can hear the mingled admiration and jealousy in her voice. Even Claire and her friends, with their access to their parents’ money and credit cards, don’t have penthouse suites here. The kind of luxury David is providing me with is beyond even the kind of vacation they expect here, and it makes me wonder, briefly, what it is that he does. He must be some sort of billionaire, but doingwhatexactly?

It doesn’t matter,I remind myself.One week of fun, and then you’ll never see him again.

“He does.” I let out a breath. “I’m sorry—I can tell him no, if you want—”

I almost tell her the truth. A part of me wants to know if our friendship is close enough that she would help me, rather than telling me to rely on David’s generosity—or worse still, wanting nothing to do with me if I’m no longer as flush as they all are.

But I can’t bear the humiliation twice in one day. And—

I don’t know if I want the excuse to turn David down.

“No. Absolutely not.” Claire shakes her head vehemently. “You deserve this! We’ll have more fun together once you come back to Chicago. Enjoy yourself with him. Enjoy thepenthouse.” She grins at me, and I feel a flicker of relief.

It’s all going to be okay.

“What are you going to do about school? You’ll miss a week of class—”