Page 73 of Miracle

“Thank you,” he rasped.

“What happened?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, afraid the truth behind his current state would somehow prove some of the bad things that slipped into my thoughts.

"I… I don't…" He winced, closing his eyes for a moment as if to gather the scattered pieces of his thoughts. "It's all a blur," he admitted, a shadow crossing his features. “But I knew Kai would…”

“Kai is the man who was with you.”

“Kai,” Zach repeated and coughed.

I edged back, weighing up whether I could manage to get to the kitchen and back, and for him to be here when I returned. He coughed again, and I sprinted downstairs, collected a bottle of water, and then, took the stairs three at a time, rounding the corner and somehow expecting the bed to be empty.

He was still there.

I unscrewed the lid, held out the bottle, then realized it was impossible for him to drink flat on his back.

What did I do?

Okay, this is just the same as when one of the girls is ill.I can do this.

I sat on the edge of the bed with care, and scooted up so I could help him sit, leaning against me. He smelled of blood and bleach and sweat, and his short curly hair, the same color as mine, was plastered to his head. In worn jeans and the bloodied torn green T-shirt, he didn’t look the picture of health, and as I helped him take a few sips, I could feel a lump under his shirt that had to be bandages.

“What happened, Zach?”

“Hazard… job.” He attempted to laugh, but it was a weak rumble and he curled in on himself.

"Take it easy," I soothed, easing him back onto the pillows. "You're safe here.” The padded envelope had dumped was resting unopened on the bedside table and I presumed it held answers, or explanations that I wasn't sure I was ready for. When I tore it open, all it contained was medication with dosages on the labels that I assumed was for Zach, plus a piece of paper. I unfolded the note, as Zach attempted to keep his eyes open.

He needs his meds, look after the fucking idiot, don’t call a doc, no hospitals, and don’t ask questions he can’t answer. He won’t stay. Don’t panic when he leaves. K.

So much for answers about what had happened to him. I tipped out the correct dosage of one medication, and then the other, and wondered if he was going to be able to take them. He answered my unspoken question, holding out a shaky hand and grasping the pills, throwing them into his mouth, and allowing me to help him swallow some water. He seemed hot to the touch, and as soon as he’d swallowed the pills, he attempted to grasp my hand.

“Charlie,” he asked again.

“I have him, he’s okay,” I repeated.

“No… see him…”

“I’ll get him.” I went to my bedroom and scooped up a sleeping Charlie, heading back to Zach, I sat on the edge of the bed in which he was lying, and showed my twin his son. Zach’s eyes filled with tears as he reached out and touched one of Charlie’s hands, his eyes sparkling with emotion.

“Tell me.”

Tell him what? “About Charlie?” Zach nodded. “He’s putting on weight. He’s so happy all the time, although we’ve had a few sleepless nights. He loves mashed up zucchini now, and of course, bananas, and he’s funny and sweet. Last week, he did this thing where he was clapping his hands at Arlo, and Arlo leaned too far forward, and Charlie caught Arlo’s nose, and… I guess I should explain that Arlo is my boyfriend.”

Zach smiled and shut his eye, wincing, then attempted to relax. “Tell me about him,” he said.

“Uhm, Arlo is a big guy, you’ll love him, a good brother, and he loves Charlie, and more importantly, for some weird reason, he loves me. He walks with Charlie around the yard, and they talk nonsense together about flowers and…”

I could see Zach was sleeping, probably the best thing.

“What the…?” Arlo’s voice was soft from the door, and he was still holding the paper bag with groceries in it. I stood, then tugged Arlo out of the room with me and Charlie.

“Zach’s here,” I explained.

He made that face that implieddoh, but then, he grew serious. “Is he okay?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’m guessing we’re not calling anyone?”